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Nash's POV

I couldn't believe what I saw when I walked into The House. Lily. How could she not have told me? I thought she could trust me, and it hurts that she kept this from me. This is something big and it's on a need to know basis.

My mom and I walk in to our house and sit down on the couch. "I have two I'm considering to adopt." My mom begins. " I'm thinking either Lily or that 17 year old blonde Jenna. Nash, what do you think?"

"I don't know, I like Lily a lot so I'd say her, but we're friends, becoming really close friends, and it would be weird having her be my sister."

"I see... so Jenna?" My mom asks.

"NO. Absolutely NOT her. She seemed like such an obnoxious brat ." I say.

"Okay, then that leaves Lily. We're adopting Lily Foster, no, Lily Grier now, age 17 and-"

I interrupt. "Wouldn't it make more sense to be a foster family? Because they leave the orphanage at 18 and she's 17, it's only a year until then."

"I suppose that could make sense in someway...is this only because of that?" My mom pries.

I groan. "Mom, I'm not going to talk about Lily or my love life with you." I say annoyed.

"Well just the fact that you specified it as your love life is enough." She replies. "You talk it over with Lily and see what she thinks. No matter what though, she's living here. " My mom stands up and walks away. I text Lily and tell her what the situation is. A minute later, she responds.

This isn't something I can text about. I'm coming over to talk about it.

I wait for 15 minutes in my room when I hear a knock on the door. "Come in." I say. Lily walks in and closes the door behind her. She's still in her dress from earlier, and she looks beautiful.

Don't think like that! I tell myself. But I can't help it.

Lily looks worn and tired and worried . She walks to me, and I stand up. She stops right in front of me, and just looks me in the eyes. Then she starts crying and hugs me. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I should've. It was wrong of me not to. I'm so sorry, Nash."

"It's okay." I reply, hugging her back. I rest my chin on the top of Lily's head as she continues to cry. "So did you think about what I asked?"

I feel her head nod against my chest."I think it would make more sense to foster rather than adopt, for that reason. It's only a year, so..." she trails off.

"Okay. " I reply. "I'll tell my mom. We'll get you moved in as soon as we can."

"Sounds good. " she says. She sniffles, a side effect of the previous crying, as she pulls away from the hug and wipes the tears from her cheeks.

"You should know," I begin. "That even though this is happening, we could still be a thing... if there came a time you wanted to." As soon as I say it, I realize this isn't the place or time to talk about this.

Lily sighs and sits down on the couch in my room. "I need to talk to you about that... Nash. We just met what, 5 days ago? And I get the feeling you like me... and I feel ashamed to say I do kinda like you too... Ashamed because of the fact I barely know you. And I know that you're hiding little hints of asking me out, but..."

I am hurt, though I do feel kinda bad for her. Maybe I'm pushing too hard. "But what?" I ask. This doesn't sound like good news.

"Please don't be mad at him.But... so is Cam. He's been trying to ask me out too."

My jaw clenches. Cam knows how much Lily means to me. Clearly he doesn't even care. Some best friend...


"Both of you have been, and still are asking me. Nash, promise me that you'll stay calm. It's not that big a deal." I say to him.

"No, Lily. You don't get it, I can't stay calm over something like this. I won't loose you to him." Nash says. He sits in the bed with an angry energy to him.

"Nash-" I start, but he interrupts.

"Please go. Please go now." He says.

"Nash I care about both of you equally, so this isn't just difficult for you.Don't make this an harder than it needs to be for me." I say, almost crying. I leave, slamming the door and stomping away.

I get back to the dorm and lay on my bed. Crying. Grace isn't there. I'm glad, honestly. I can sob as loud and as long as I need.

I can't believe I was stupid enough to tell Nash what's going on. I have a feeling I've just made a big mess ... That what was becoming somewhat of our "fairytale" won't end in a happy ending.

//Hola mis amigos. That's right I know Spanish... Well not really but anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! Let me know what you think! Also, a lot of this is prewritten from like a while ago so I'm just copy and pasting it. I'm going to go over my chapters and edit it. I Love y'all!
(PS Read my other Kian fanfic I'm updating that one constantly 😋)<--haha casually self promotes
Ok but fur reals now bye!

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