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The day ended up being just me and Cam, because Nash had to leave early for his sister. I guess he forgot she was home alone. Glad he's not my brother.

It was a nice day with Cam. We played some beach volleyball- which he kicked my butt at- and then we went to the Carnival and played games - which I kicked his butt at- and rode rides. He convinced me on going on this huge roller coaster called Lightning Eagle. It was fast, and had big drops and loops... all the things I hate. He also won me a stuffed bear which was really sweet. I'm not all that into stuffed animals anymore, but it was a nice gesture and I really liked it.

We sit on the beach after all of that fun, the sun setting, Its orange light reflecting onto the water. Cam talks to me about how he and Nash are famous, just to get it out of the way. It doesn't really bother me. They're still people. I look at my phone and see it's getting late. "We should get going." I say.

Cam huffs. "Fine." He raises his arms. "Will you carry me?"

I laugh. He can be so incredibly ridiculous sometimes, but it's kinda cute. "No." I reply. He stands up, and I'm still sitting. I imitate him mockingly and ask, "Will you carry me?" I then get picked up by Cam, holding me like a baby in his arms. "PUT ME DOWN I WAS KIDDING!" I laugh.

Cam places me on the ground. "How was I supposed to know that?" He asks. I push his shoulder lightly. "Shut up." Cam and I walk to his truck and get it. He drives me back to Nash's house. Cam parks it in the drive way. I put my head back and lean it against the headrest of the chair. "Today was really fun."

"Yeah it was." Cam agrees. He looks over at me. "You should do that again."

I turn my head. "Do what?" I ask.

Cam points his finger to his cheek, and I instantly know what he means. I roll my eyes at him. "All in good time. Besides, I met you yesterday."

"You have a point... I don't like it." Cam says. I smile.

"Well, I'll see you around then?" I ask. "Like really soon?"

"As soon as possible." Cam says back.

I open the door and step out. "I'll keep in touch! Bye!" I close the door and walk back to The House. It's been a good day. One of the best in a long, long time.

When I finally get to the House, I open the door to my dorm and find Grace conked out in her bed. I change my clothes , brush my teeth, and get into bed. I get cozy in my bed and my phone buzzes. My thumb presses the home button which turns it on, and I have a text. Nite Lily:* It's from Nash. I smile, set my phone down, and drift off into a happy sleep.


Today I get a text from Nash, asking if I wanted to go to the movies. I reply with a yes because I enjoy having things to do, rather than sitting in a depressing room with a depressed person for hours on end. I arrive at the movie theatre and wait on the bench outside for Nash. I hope I'm at the right place.

As if on cue, Nash sits down next to me out of no where. "Ready?" He asks.

"Yeah. What do you want to see?" I ask.
"I don't really care, as long as it's with you." He replies.

I feel myself blush. "Well, let's just see what starts next and go to that." I suggest, trying to play off the fact the he wants to be around me.

"Sounds good. Never heard of doing it that way before though." He responds.

We stand up and walk into the building. I go up to the counter with Nash and ask what starts next, which ends up being "The Fault In Our Stars." I look over at Nash. "Are you okay with that?" I ask.

He doesn't look too excited, but he says "That's fine. I'm gonna get some popcorn."

"Okay." I say. I give the blonde teenage employee behind the counter money and she gives me the tickets. As I take them, she says,"Nash Grier is watching a chic flic type movie with you? That's a good boyfriend."

I take the tickets. "Oh, no. We're just friends." I inform her.

"Well maybe you should change that." She winks at me. "Enjoy the movie! " I walk away, this is getting awkward... at least for me. I go into the theatre after finding Nash. We sit in the back. "I only got one popcorn," he tells me. "Mind if we share?"

"That's fine." I reply. The lights dim and I turn off my phone all the way. The movie starts.

"'Okay, Hazel Grace?' 'Okay.'" Is what the movie ends on. The credits start rolling and the lights come on. I'm a wreck. I cried so much, I'm sure I look ridiculous, although I know I'm not the only one. There were audible sobs during the movie. "Are you crying?" Nash asks, looking at me and laughing.

I flip my head to him. "YES OF COURSE I AM THAT'S THE SADDEST THING EVER!HOW ARE YOU NOT!?" I snap back, which only makes him laugh more.

"I'm a man. I don't cry." Nash says, flexing his mussels and lowering the tone of his voice.
"Whatever," I say and roll my eyes.


Nash drives me to his house. We are almost there. "So this is really funny- I was talking to the chic behind the counter at the theatre... and she thought we were dating!" I say, casually laughing.

Nash doesn't laugh, however. "Yeah.. Hilarious!" He does give a little smile. I look at him. It doesn't seem like he wants to talk about it. We arrive at his house and Nash parks the car in the driveway.

"Thanks for a great afternoon, Nash." I say. I get out of the car and so does Nash.

"Lily ?" Nash asks. "About what the lady said. Would you ever consider making that true?"

"What true?" I ask. "Us dating?" I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "I met you 2 days ago. I hardly know you. But... maybe. I'm not really sure."

He purses his lip and nods. Nash looks disappointed.

"Bye." I say. I hug him, and he hugs me back. I kiss him on the cheek (as a friend, by the way), and pull from the hug. Nash's eyes are big. I giggle and start to walk away. When I finally get to The House, Grace talks to me, I talk to Grace, just about what's going on in each others lives,until it's lights out.

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