Part 30

73 4 1

Lily's POV

"I need you as soon as possible Lily. It's something big. Meet me at the bench where I gave you the promise ring. I'm already here. Please come quick. I love you." Nash says through the phone at 10:00 in the morning.

After the amazing night with Cam, I almost (although shamefully) forgot about Nash.

A yawn escapes my mouth as I mumble the words, "I love you too. See you soon." Into the phone. Nash hangs up. I throw my phone on my bed and put a pink floral sundress and white sandals on, letting my hair stay down.

The walk to the downtown area as the wind blows in my face feels longer due to exhaustion. I breathe in the fresh morning air.

Finally arriving at the bench that overlooks the beach, I sit down and a chill runs through my body, the memories flooding my mind. I smile and my eyes stare at the sunrise.

All at once,it hits me just how beautiful life is.

I've got a good life set up for me in this wonderful world. I have two people that I'd be willing to spend the rest of my life with, of course having to choose will not be easy. I have 5 amazing colleges to choose from. The flowers seem to bloom more beautifully than I remembered, the color of the sky as the sun rises is a vibrant orange and pink. I just feel happy, for no good reason.

All of a sudden, two hands cover my eyes. A voice right next to my left ear asks, "Guess who?"

I laugh. "Hm..." I begin sarcastically. "I wonder who it could be?..."

The hands move off my face and Nash comes walking around the bench to sit right next to me. What I see is a bit strange. "Boy, you sure are dressed up for 10:30 in the morning." I comment.

Nash is wearing a blue plaid button up shirt with a collar and his sleeves rolled up to a collar as well, along with a blue tie, tan dress pants, and nice black shoes.

Nash lightly laughs, looking down at the ground. "Yeah, I guess you could say that." He replies with a small smile. His head lifts and he looks out into the distance. "Beautiful sunrise, huh?"

A scoot closer to Nash and rest my head on his shoulder. "Yeah." A pause of silence.

"You know what's nice about the world?" Nash asks, putting his arm around me. " you always know you can find someone that you're meant to be with. There's always one person in it that you can count on to be there for you. And Lily, I'm thankful and so incredibly lucky to say that the person to me that I know is the one and will always be there for me is you."

I sit up and look over at Nash. The gears in my head begin to turn. "Nash..."


I see fear in Lily's eyes. "Nash..." She says.

"Lily," I say, turning more toward her."I know I'm stepping way over the line. I'm probably going too fast too soon. But all I know is that I don't want to be without you. I want you to be with me the rest of my life."

Lily's nostrils slightly flare and I see her eyes get glossy.

My hand reaches back into my back pant pocket,grabbing a box, and I get off the bench and slowly down on one knee. "I love you. Lily Foster, will you marry me?" I open the navy blue box to reveal a diamond ring.

Her hands cup around her mouth and a tear falls slowly down her cheek. "Nash,I-" she begins pulling her hands away from her face.. "We're eighteen!" Lily exclaims,waving her hands around in the air. "I was gonna go to college and study engineering... I, we're so young! We couldn't possible afford a wedding or a home or-"

I close the box and move up to sit next to her.
My hands and take hers. They're shaking.

"And that doesn't mean you can't go to college. Lily, I didn't say it was going to be easy. But what I can say is that we can get through it. Even in the hard times that we'll go through the sun will always rise and and the moon will always glow in the night and we'll be together."

I continue to look at her as she stares at the ground.

Her eyes shut. "What about Cam." she mentions. I know she didn't really want to bring it up; I didn't either. But I get why she did.

"Cam..." I begin. "Lily I'm aware that you and Cam have a thing too. And Cam will be fine. It's just..."

"I know."Lily interrupts. She lifts her head and her eyes get big. "Nash she's taking the box!"

I turn my head and a little girl with blond hair and a toothy smile is holding the box with the ring in it. Before I can try to take it from her hands, she just throws it and runs away,giggling.

I jump up off and run around the bench to get it.

I find it, bend down to grab it.

I hear a loud honk.



And then nothing.

Broken Promises//ng.cdOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora