80 | Blonde

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(1/2 of the double update!)

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(1/2 of the double update!)

Victoria Tomlinson

"Hold still." I giggled when Zayn slid his hands beneath the material of my shirt, smoothing his palm up my skin from my hips to my waist, giving me a gentle squeeze. He only hummed with a smile at my request, tilting his head back further to look up at me. I was a little taller since I was straddling his lap. "Zayn... hold still."

He was smiling widely when he tilted his head back to look up at me, not listening to me when I told him to stay still. Our eyes locked for a second and I smiled back, dipping my head down once to kiss the tip of his nose, before pulling back so I could refocus on what I was actually doing.

Instead, he slipped his arms around me, loosely hugging his arms around my waist, but kept still like I'd asked.

It had been three days since we ran. Three days of trying our hardest to get rid of any evidence of ourselves or traces of where we had been. We'd left Zayn's Maserati in the middle of nowhere and the doors were left unlocked with the key inside, so it had definitely been stolen by now. We were renting cars, paying only with the cash I'd withdrawn out of the bank. Everything we did was under fake names, hotels, restaurants, renting the cars. My credit card had been tossed on the street with most of the money withdrawn and stored whenever we could keep all of that cash. We were hundreds of miles away from my house at this point, driving through towns in the middle of nowhere that I'd never even heard of before. We'd only had to sleep in the car once more but had managed to get a motel for tonight. My phone had been switched off and I'd thrown it into a drain, nothing I had on me could be tracked or traced back to who I really was.

Currently we were in a motel, again in the middle of nowhere and the sun was setting through the windows. The curtains remained closed at all times, even though we had a rented car and had checked in under fake names.

And now we were at the part I was most looking forward to, we were changing our appearances. It was something I thought I'd hesitate to do, my hair had been the same my entire life, long, light brown with a slight wave to it, and it had never been anything different, but I was willing to fully shave my head if it meant we would go unnoticed.

So Zayn had cut my hair for me, it sat slightly lower than my collarbones but was the shortest it had ever been, since I was used to having it waist length, and we had bought some box dyes to change up the colours. Instead of my natural light brown colour, my hair was now a dark cherry red. I knew it was one of those things that would take me a while to get used to, I'd never seen myself look so different before and hardly recognised my reflection, but it was a beautiful colour and Zayn did a surprisingly amazing job at dying it for me.

I sat straddling Zayn's lap, applying a layer of bleach to his dark hair. I'd only ever known him to have thick dark hair, I knew he was definitely going to look different but he could do anything and still look insanely hot. I was really going to miss that slutty strand that always fell down over his face. He wasn't really cutting his hair besides shortening the sides slightly, but he was going full bleach blonde. I only had a few more strands of hair that I'd sectioned off to do it. The YouTube tutorial I was watching so I didn't fry his hair off was paused beside me on the hotel bed.

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