79 | Run

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Victoria Tomlinson

It was always going to happen, eventually.

I knew this day would have to come. What had we expected? To live the rest of our lives in secret without a single person noticing?

Here we were, in bed together, Zayn's arms around me, caught red-handed with my heart pounding like a drum in my chest, a million thoughts racing through my mind but somehow also none at all.

Tate stood in the door with an expression of disappointment, disbelief but mostly wrath, pure anger, and rage as he stared at us both in front of him. I braced myself for what was about to happen, we were caught in the act, there was no denying it, there was no way to talk myself out of this situation.

Part of me, in the back of my mind was convinced I should feel some sort of remorse towards him and the situation, but it eluded me. I was his wife, and here I was, in bed with another man and he had just walked in on us. The other man who I'd fucked at our wedding instead of my husband.

There was a strange sense of liberation, freedom, because now he knew and that part was over and done with. There was an exhilarating feeling that overcame me, knowing I had defied the rules, knowing I had ruined everything my parents had been working for my entire life.

But as I stared at my husband's expression, the fire and fury building behind his eyes, the way he seemed to be trembling, contemplating what to do next. But in this situation we couldn't get out, and as the consequences of my actions began to sink in, the fear crept back in and my insides tightened with fear. Slowly, I found myself trembling too.

From behind his back, Tate pulled out a gun and he had it pointed towards us. Nothing behind his eyes but anger, I immediately was convinced he was going to pull the trigger.

Zayn moved slowly and cautiously, moving his arm from being around me to shielding me instead, careful not to make any quick moves to startle the crazed man at the door holding a weapon.

"Tate..." I whispered lowly, staring directly into his eyes, and as soon as our eyes made contact I saw that anger in him waver.

"I fucking knew it. I knew it. I knew something was up between you two." a muscle in his jaw ticked and he took a few steps forward, closer to us both in the bed. "You filthy fucking whore!"

"Tate please put the gun down." I carefully spoke. Zayn was beside me, tense but quiet and I hoped he would not speak, if he snapped, raised his voice or did anything I didn't see this ending well for either of us. Even though Tate probably did want to shoot me in the face right now, out of me and Zayn, he was probably less likely to kill me.

"I should kill you right now. I should kill you both!" The gun shook and rattled in his hand as he got closer again until he was almost at the side of the bed, the opposite side to which Zayn and I were on.

"Please... put the gun down." I breathed, keeping as calm as I possibly could in this situation. "We can talk. Just put down the gun."

Before Tate could get any closer, I moved, slowly and without looking away from his eyes, I shuffled towards the opposite side of the bed. Or I tried to get away, to get up off the bed but Zayn was grabbing me by my hips and not letting me move. I understood why since there was a gun pointed at us both, but I still grabbed his hands and shoved him off me so I could get up off the bed.

"Victoria..." Zayn warned, his eyes frantic and wide now that I was standing in front of Tate and the gun was pointed directly at me, I was blocking Zayn.

"Stay there and don't speak." I said, directing my words to Zayn but still didn't look away from Tate. "Please." I had no idea what Zayn was doing behind me but I just needed him to keep calm and quiet, it would only end up ten times worse if this entire situation ended up blowing up in our faces. "Let me handle this."

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