3 | Fight

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Victoria Tomlinson

"Kill me."

I stared at Harry, my eyes widened.


"I said kill me, V," he said again, confirming that I had in fact, heard him right.

Harry and I were standing on the mats in the gym. My hands were wrapped, his were too. Everyone else was working out, Louis and my best friends Niall and Hazel, and Louis' bodyguard, Liam.

We spend at least three days a week in the gym where Harry would train me, teaching me to fight and defend myself. He was a good teacher and didn't let me get away with slacking. I either gave my all or he'd stop training me and send me home, which would just get me in trouble from my father. Niall was running on a treadmill with his shirt off, his body glistening with sweat. Liam was lifting weights while some other guy spotted him, but he was effortlessly lifting about 300lbs.

Harry was in front of me wearing gym shorts and he had his shirt off, his tattooed body glistened in sweat from the hour we had already been working out for. His hair was pushed back by a bandanna to keep the curls from falling onto his sweaty forehead.

Z, which I was now calling him since I didn't know his full name, had driven me here this morning. Neither of us had muttered a word between getting up this morning and when he dropped me off here. I didn't know what I expected when my father said he was coming to stay with us. He was there most of the night and there first thing in the morning. I wondered when he had time to go home and sleep for himself.

I thought maybe he'd be tolerable, but I couldn't get the way he spoke to me out of my head. It was mean for no reason. Maybe, yes, I was being annoying by constantly talking, but I'd much rather that than sit in complete silence. He was going to be stuck with me whether he liked it or not, and he was going to have to tolerate me at some point.

He didn't do much, except stand outside at the front entrance to the family home along with the other bodyguards.

Of course, Louis got lucky and was already best friends with his bodyguard, Liam. He seemed nice.

"Victoria," Harry's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I smiled at him, shaking my head to clear it so I could focus, "Hi."

"Hi," Harry said back, handing me a small but thick knife, "I said kill me."

"Why?" I asked him while taking the knife from his wrapped hands.

"Because I know you won't be able to," He said to me, wiping a bead of sweat that was falling down his forehead away with the back of his hand, "But it's good practice to try,"

"I could so kill you." I defended myself since he didn't believe in me.

Harry just stared at me with a bored expression, "Prove it then."

I held the knife in my fist while Harry took a few steps back from me to create a distance. I'd never really trained with knives before, maybe once or twice and I really had no idea what I was doing.

In a quick decision, I jumped forward and decided to go for his stomach with the knife, since he was just standing there like he was waiting for me to stab him. He didn't look like he was going to fight back, he was hardly even looking at me.

But as I had expected, Harry moved quicker. He grabbed my arm and yanked it towards him at the same time he spun around so my chest was against his back. He didn't give me a second to realise what was happening before he was throwing me over his hips from behind, so I landed on the floor on my back at his feet with a thud.

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