Chapter 7: Trust nobody!

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Alright, peeps, gather 'round, 'cause we're diving into some real talk here. You know that phrase, "Trust Nobody"? Yeah, that's what this chapter's all about, and let me tell you, it's one lesson you gotta learn in this rollercoaster of life.

It's not like I'm saying you should walk around being all paranoid and stuff, but you gotta be, like, smart about who you trust. Because the truth is, not everyone's got your back. Some folks out there will smile to your face and stab you in the back faster than you can say "friendship."

I've had my fair share of trust issues, and it's made me a bit sceptical. I mean, it's just the way the world works. People can surprise you, and not always in a good way. It's like, you spill your secrets to someone, thinking they're your ride-or-die, and the next thing you know, the whole school knows your business. Ugh, it's a vibe-killer, for real.

But here's the thing, you can't just shut yourself off from the world. You gotta trust someone, right? So, the trick is to be a good judge of character. It's like building your trust slowly, step by step, like a boss detective on a mission.

Even though most of my friendships ended up being temporary, those trust issues they left me with, they're like this heavy backpack I've been carrying around forever. It's like, you try to trust again, but that little voice in your head is always there, whispering, "Remember what happened last time?"

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you should lock yourself in a room and never talk to anyone ever again. That'd be boring, right? But the thing is, I've learned to be cautious. I've learned to keep an eye out for those red flags, the signs that someone might not be worth that precious trust.

It's like, when you've been burned before, you become an expert at spotting the fake smiles, the insincere apologies, and the shady behaviour. And, trust me, there are some seriously skilled actors out there.

The good news is, I've also learned that not everyone's out to get you. There are people who genuinely care, who'll stand by your side through thick and thin. And that's what makes it all worth it. Those friendships might be rarer, but they're the real deal.

So, while I may carry those trust issues with me, I'm not gonna let them define me. I'll keep learning, keep growing, and keep being open to new connections. Because, in the end, it's those real, honest friendships that make the journey worthwhile.

Oh, trust me, I've been there too. People giving false hope can mess you up big time. Take my stepdad, for instance. He's handed out promises like they were candy, and honestly, none of them ever stuck.

It's like this rollercoaster of emotions, where you start to believe in something, and then boom, it's all just smoke and mirrors. Those broken promises can leave a scar that's hard to heal. And it's not just me; I've seen friends and family go through the same heartache.

At some point, you start to wonder if anyone out there is worth trusting. It's like this tug-of-war between your hopeful heart and your cynical brain. You want to believe, but you also don't want to get hurt again. It's a tough spot to be in, for sure.

But here's the thing: you can't let those letdowns define your entire trust journey. It's all about learning and growing. Sure, some people may disappoint you, and it sucks, but you can't let their actions control your future.

So, even though my stepdad's let me down more times than I can count, I won't let it stop me from opening up to new people and new possibilities.

Oh, you're hitting the nail on the head, fam. Those past relationships, they're like a crash course in trust issues. I've heard those lines, "You are my world" and "I would never cheat on you" way too many times. They sound so sweet and perfect, but often they're just words. Empty words that can shatter your trust into a million pieces.

I mean, how many times have I believed someone was my whole world, only for them to walk away like it was nothing? It's like they hand you this fragile glass heart and then stomp on it without a second thought.
And let's not forget the cheating. Man, that's a trust breaker for sure. You pour your heart into a relationship, trusting that it's built on something real, and then, wham, you find out they've been living a double life. It's like a gut punch, and it leaves a scar on your ability to trust.

But here's the thing, all these experiences, the lies, the heartbreaks, they've all played a part in shaping who I am today. Yeah, they've left me cautious, but they've also made me wiser. I've learned that not everyone's gonna keep their promises, and not everyone's gonna be who they say they are.

So, I carry these past experiences as lessons, not as baggage. They're a reminder that trust isn't given lightly. It's earned over time, through actions, not just words. And, even though I've had my fair share of trust issues, I'm not giving up on the idea that there are still genuine people out there who'll prove that trust can be real and not just a pretty line.

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