Chapter 6: I'm trying

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Ugh, peeps, let's talk real for a sec. Our health is super important. I mean, it's not just about not getting sick or having muscles that could bench-press a car. It's about being fine mentally too. And physically, of course. because it's a big deal.

But, here's the thing, so many people, me included, sometimes just forget about their mental health. It's like we're too busy worrying about life's crazy rollercoaster to notice what's going on in our heads. Trust me, it's a major deal.

I started writing this book, and honestly, the main reason was to, like, focus on my mental health. It's a way to understand what's happening inside this crazy mind of mine. I wanted to figure out what makes me tick, what gets me all excited, or what ticks me off.

But you know what? Writing this book has also been a pretty healthy way to release my anger. Sometimes, I'd be venting my frustrations on these pages, letting out all that steam. It's like sending my thoughts and feelings into the universe, whether that person I'm ranting about ever reads it or not. Honestly, at this point, I don't really care.

So, if you're here with me on this chapter, just remember - your mental health is just as important as your physical health. It's all part of being okay, and you deserve that. And, hey, if you need to release some steam, maybe start your own journal or write a book. It's therapeutic, trust me.

This chapter might be on the shorter side, but sometimes a little reminder is all we need. It's like that nudge to check in with ourselves and make sure we're doing okay. So, let's take a moment, breathe, and remember that our mental health matters. Whether it's by taking a quiet walk in the park, meditating, or just sharing your thoughts with a friend, it's essential to prioritise our well-being. Life can get crazy, and it's easy to forget about our mental health, but we've got to remember, we're worth the care and attention. Let's make it a point to check in on ourselves and those around us. After all, we're all in this together, right?

In the case of how I'm doing, well, I'm happy to report that I'm doing just fine. Physically, I've been staying active, whether it's by going for a jog, dancing to my favourite tunes, or even just getting lost in a good book. It's amazing how a little physical activity can give you that extra boost and make you feel, like, unstoppable.

Mentally, I've been making an effort to give myself some me-time. I've been practising mindfulness, trying to stay in the moment, and not stressing too much about the future or dwelling on the past. It's all about finding that balance, you know?

I've also been opening up to my friends and family more, sharing my thoughts and feelings. Talking it out can be such a relief, and knowing that there are people who care about your well-being is, like, totally heartwarming.

Of course, there are days when life throws some curveballs, and I'm not feeling a hundred percent. That's completely okay too. We all have those days. But I've learned that it's important to be kind to myself on those days and give myself a break.

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