Chapter 01

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    It had taken her a few months since the last artist she went to ghosted her, but finally Y/n was here. In front of a new studio with a consultation appointment for her first tattoo.

  To say she was nervous wouldn't be enough, her hands were fidgeting with the hem of her shirt, and she kept glancing at the time on her phone, that being the only thing she seemed to keep a focus on.

  Her appointment was at 1:30, and it was currently 1:15. She was sat in her car, radio turned up loud enough to simmer her anxiety slightly. She had planned to go in at 1:25 but was feeling awkward just sitting in their parking lot. The building was sleek, and black. It wasn't too large but she could see inside through her mirrors.

  The walls were almost completely glass, with curtains drawn to the side and letting the natural sunlight in. She could see a few people inside, a few standing by the front desk, and one or two clients being tattooed.

   Her head was dizzy, only two more minutes to wait. If she would've known the studio was practically a glass box she would've parked down the road, and only driven up now. Hopefully nobody would comment on the strange girl who sat in the car so long instead of just going in early.

  Y/n sucked in a breath, tucking her keys and phone in her pocket and deciding to head inside. No one ever got a bad rep for being slightly early, right?

  The door gave a slight jingle when she pushed it open, catching the attention of everyone inside. The artists tattooing turned away just as quickly and continued on with their work. Hesitatingly Y/n stepped up to the desk, infront of two of the men who worked there.

  "Welcome to Bangtan Ink, how can we help you?" One of them spoke up. He had red hair, a baggy yellow sweater and some black sweatpants. His smile was friendly which put her nerves at ease.

"I'm here for a consultation, my name is Y/n L/n.." Even her tone sounded stupid to her. She was a grown adult and here she was speaking like a scared child. She rung her hands together infront of her, fidgeting slightly but thankful the desk hid it from the two she spoke with.

The man nodded, typing something in on the computer and signaling to wait just a moment.

  "Right, Jimin will be out in a moment to help you. Did you have an idea of what you were looking for?" Y/n nodded at the dyed red head.

  "I wanted a.. dragon.. wrapping around my arm.." She didn't think it was a bad idea. She thought it was probably super basic, and she'd done her homework on tattoos so she even knew what type of style or vibe she'd be opened too.

  None of that helped her nerves when the two visibly raised their eyebrows.

"Is this your first tattoo?" The other man spoke up. He was taller, his hair was black and he wore a long sleeve white shirt that showed off his wide shoulders and some black pressed pants that looked more expensive than a pair of pants should look like.

His tone wasn't judgmental, just curious which was probably expected.

Y/n nodded. "Yes.. I've been wanting it for a while though." As if that would be enough to convince them that she had any sense of knowledge to what she was doing.

  The two nodded and pointed to a seat infront where she could wait for her artist to come out.

   It didn't even feel like a minute had passed when another man came out from the back, styled blond hair and a white button up, along with black skinny jeans. He had jewelry hanging around his wrists and neck that sent a glare when hit by the sun, but overall seemed friendly and easy going.

  "Y/n?" He questioned, walking up to her. Nodding, Y/n stood up and the two shook hands.

"Cool, I'm Jimin. So what were you looking to get and where?" He led her to his station while asking. His station was beside one of the other artists tattooing a mans bicep. Taking a glance, Y/n could see the start of a metal cyberpunk esc. tattoo. It looked good for only seeming half way done.

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