Percy: Invisible (1)

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It was a Friday morning in June. The sun was rising and the birds were singing. Oh, and your siblings were snoring unnecessarily loudly, like, super loudly.

You creped out of bed, not wanting to wake them in case they were going to be mad at you for doing so. Pulling on some clothes and brushing your teeth, you wished that your crush would go to the same school as you. He had gotten into a lot of trouble in school before: people told you all the stories and had made it clear that he didn't want to bring that bed luck to you. But still...

Yes, you were head-over-heals for the one and only Perseus Jackson. The guy that everyone drools over. The most oblivious person you knew. The child of the prophecy (twice!) and the strongest demigod that anyone could think of.

He probably didn't even know that you existed, sure, you were friends with Piper, Jason and Leo so maybe they talked about you to him (hopefully good things), but you doubted that he even looked in your direction, let alone knew your name. It was painful, really. He was just perfect and your best bet was that he only knew him through shared friends. Ugh!

You slipped out of your cabin, determined to distract yourself from the depressing thoughts when you walked straight into non-other-than Percy himself. Oh no. You had fallen over and were now on the ground looking up at him.

"Sorry." You muttered trying to pull your self up, Oh, Gods. You thought What does he think of me? Words got stuck in your throat as you tried to swallow up your embarrassment, certain that you looked like a tomato.

"No, I should have been looking." He apologised and, without warning, grabbed your hand and pulled you to your feet. You stumbled forwards so that your face was in line with his chest and his hands were still in yours. 

It was strange, really. You loved and hated being so close to him at the same time. You'd never felt more awkward in your life, yet you wanted to stay this close to him forever.

"I-I need to g-go." You stammered, finally deciding on leaving and ran off. Leaving him behind you.

Percy's Pov:

I watched her leave, seemingly eager to get away from me, what had I done? She didn't even look at me, now she was running down the hill, her (H/c) hair flowing out behind her as she met up with Piper. They went to the same school.

Every day, I would watch her from afar, admiring her. Every day, I would wish that I was the one talking to her, making her laugh. Every day, I would drill Jason, Leo and Piper for every little detail about her. Every day, I wish that I had the courage to go over and start talking to her.

I doubted that she even knew I existed, yes she'd probably heard all about my quests and fights, but the real me isn't in those stories. It was the most painful thing ever, he could kill a ton of monsters, face Giants and Titans alike, but not go over and confess his feelings for (Y/n).

Sighing, I shouldered a school bag and left for the Pegasi stables, ready for school with the one thought of what I could have possibly done to upset (Y/n), the best person on Earth.

So.... this is my first oneshot. I'm going to do it in 2 parts (maybe 3, idk. Is it still an oneshot then?) 

But, what do you all think? I'm used to writing slower romances, but I gave it a go and kinda like the proses.

Pleases leave any help and advice for writing these things if you have any and please leave some suggestions for other stories, I'm completely open (but I still have an innocent mind so not anything)

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