Aiger and (Name) vs Phi!

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You, Aiger and Phi in front of the stadium and surround you was purplish blue area.

"We knew you'd go after the Turbo Wings..." Aiger said. "But we're not gonna let you negate them!"

Achilles, (Bey Name) and Phoenix spun around in sync and clash with each other. Phoenix push Achilles's Wings.

"No one can stand against a god," Phi said.

The three beys clashing and both Achilles got knocked out but what shocking Aiger was... You were no longer beside Aiger anymore. Aiger gasped as he saw you were beside Phi, evilly smirking at him with dark aura surrounded you as Achilles burst and vanished.

Aiger fell out of the void as he screamed your name.

Aiger opened his eyes, he saw Naru, Hima, Aoi twins and you were staring at him. Aiger sat up and look at you.

"Aiger, you finally woke up!" Naru said.

"(Name)!" Aiger tackle you to hug, you yelped and both of you fall on the floor. Naru, Hima and Aoi twins was dumbfounded at him.

"Aiger? What's wrong?" You asked. He didn't reply you but continue hugging, Toko glared at him.

Nika noticed the position Aiger did, she slightly blush. "Aiger, get off of her please," she said shyly. Aiger look at Nika and then, look at you, his face goes crimson when he saw the position he did.

He's on top of you, causing you looking at him in confusion.

"I'm sorry!" Aiger apologized and sat up. You giggled.

"It's ok," You said.

"Where am I?" Aiger asked.

"After you pigged out on Naru's sandwiches... You feel asleep right on the spot!" Toko said.

"That's right!" Nika said.


Aiger ate the sandwiches as the Aoi twins, Naru, Hima and you were watching him with a smile.

"Oh man, that was good! I'm so full!" Aiger said. "And now... I'm gonna sleep!" He fall down as his head hit your laps, making you confused and shocked.

"On her laps?" Nika asked. Aiger snore loud and you just nervously chuckled.

[End Flashback]

"I'm sorry!" Aiger became flustered and apologize to you again.

"I said, it's fine," you nervously chuckled.

"So that's what happened," Aiger said. He stood up, he grab your hand, pull you up. Luckily, your laps didn't become sore. In front of you and Aiger, everyone was fall asleep, except Rin and Haruna, who were watching them.

"Everyone else was exhausted, too," Hima said.

"Well, it was a hard day of practice," Nika said.

"Yeah... Just like that, Aiger... (Name)..." Ranjiro sleep talking.

"Come on..." Kimeru's also sleep talking.

"Is that all you've got...?"

"I can't handle anymore..."

Aiger and you look at each other as he rubbed his under nose. "Thanks, guys..."


The water from the sink running down, Aiger were letting his hair to wet as you were washing your face.

Beyblade Burst TurboDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora