Trapped in the Dread Tower!

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At the Dread Tower, the door automatically opened, revealing Evel and Hyde saw him.

"Evel?" Hyde asked.

"It's about time to do maintenance on your Dread Hades," Evel said, walking up to Hyde. Hyde grinned and looked at the screen, saw the match from earlier.

"Don't stop, Achilles!" Aiger's yell from the screen.

"There's Hazard Kerbeus' iron clad defense!" Mr. Demon said. "The watchdog of hell is back in the game!"

Evel went to Hyde's throne and about to pick up Hades but Hyde noticed and quickly snatched his bey.

Hyde licked his teeth as he walks backwards. Evel looked at Hyde with emotional expression.

"You aren't Dr. Evel," Hyde said.

Evel or fake Evel grabbed the cape and threw it out, revealing the Phantom Thief himself.

"Bonjour," Nightfell greeted.

"Wow! You almost had me there for a second," Hyde said.

"Z Dive!"

They turned their heads towards the screen and saw Achilles collided with Kerbeus with full power.

"Aiger Akabane wins by Burst Finish!" The robotic male voice declared.

"This is the power of Achilles!" Aiger said, showing his bey.

Nightfell smiled before walks off.

"So you've found your fun, then?" Hyde asked. He chuckled and grinned.


Meanwhile with Aiger and Ranjiro.

"Let's go!" Aiger said and run off.

"Yeah," Ranjiro followed.

On top of the wall, stood Nightfell.

"Z Achilles and Aiger Akabane..." Nightfell muttered. "What an interesting lad you are..."


Ranjiro and Aiger were running and the flying camera were watching them.

Ranjiro noticed.

"Hyde is lookin' down on us!" Ranjiro said.

"I'm gonna beat that thing good!" Aiger grinned and run faster along with Ranjiro.

The flying camera then followed them. Ranjiro and Aiger turned to the left.

"This way, boss!" They turned to the right.

"Whoa!" Ranjiro almost went to the straight and followed Aiger. They hid inside as the wall shut down.

"Doesn't this thing know when to quit?" Ranjiro asked.

"Let's find another exit," Aiger said, looked at the front. They stood up and walks off. "Exit...exit..."

As they were walking, Ranjiro noticed something and shakingly pointed his index finger towards something.

"Aiger..." Ranjiro muttered and Aiger looked at the where Ranjiro pointed, he saw a soldier statue.

"Whoa! This is awesome!"

Turned out, there are more of the soldiers statues. Aiger turned to Ranjiro.

"What's wrong? You scared?" Aiger asked. Ranjiro glared at him.

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