Super Rumble! Beyathlon!

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Xavier and Xelia were watching the view as the wind blew their hair.

"So, tell me, Xavier," Xelia spoke up, Xavier looked at her. "Do you have a crush on someone?" Xelia smirked, Xavier blushed and looked away.

"Maybe..." He muttered. "If I tell you this, don't you dare tell anyone, you got me?" The prince warned, Xelia chuckled and nodded.

"I won't,"

"It's Princess," Xelia's eye widened.

"(Name), isn't it?"


"Tell me more about her," Xelia said.

"Okay. She's so cute, gorgeous and like a royal princess." Xavier lovely sighed. "One day, I'll confess to her and become her boyfriend!" Xelia sweatdropped at him.

"You do know a lot of bladers in this cruise, have a crush on her, right? Including Hae-Jin." Xavier's eyes widened and sighed.

"I know that but...." He trailed off and Xelia pat his back.

"If you want, you could go talk to her and spend time with her," Xelia suggested.

"And how am I supposed to do that?" Xavier asked.

"You'll see," Xelia winked, Xavier pouted. He turned back to watch the view.

"That boy..." He trailed off. His mind flashed when Aiger challenged him to battle along with you. His mind flashed when four beys collided with each other and got knocked back.

Back to reality.

"Undoubtedly, he must be my rival!" Xavier said.


Aiger, Ranjiro, and Hae-Jin were doing a workout dumbbells in the gym. The door automatically opened, revealing Xavier in his training outfit. He went inside and saw Aiger were doing a workout using a dumbbell. He walks up and grab two dumbbells and training with it. Aiger looked at the prince as Ranjiro and Hae-Jin smiled at them.

"Xavier's not half bad!" Ranjiro said.

"It is only natural for a hero," Xavier said. Aiger put the dumbbells and grab the same dumbbells as Xavier.

"Then I'm a hero too!" Aiger said.

"This world has no need for two heroes!" Xavier said.

"Izzat so? Let's see which one of us can last longer!" Aiger said.

"I see why I put my faith in you," Xavier said. "We have some unwanted guests, so I suggest we put this off."

Then, they stopped.

"Hey! What do you mean unwanted?!" Ranjiro glared at the prince. Xavier smiled before turned around and saw Kyle were exercise cycling.


Kyle turned his head.

"When did he...?" Ranjiro trailed off.

"He is so strange," Hae-Jin said.

"More importantly, Aiger. I do look forward to our next battle," Xavier said, looked at Aiger.

"I'm gonna beat ya good next time!" Aiger said as Xavier turned around and walks off.


Xavier were walking until he stopped, when he saw something or someone. Turned out to be Kyle, who were leaned against the glass. He turned his head slightly and walks in front of the prince. Then, he went to fighting position. Xavier gasped and went to fighting position as well.

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