Chapter Thirteen | 十三

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Mizuki's small garden sits on the roof of her apartment building, offering a quiet oasis away from the hustle and bustle of the city below. It's her little piece of heaven, a place where she can escape and tend to her plants while lost in her own little universe.

As she tends to her plants, she feels a sense of peace wash over her, the stress and worries of her daily life seeming to melt away as she focuses on the task at hand. She's always loved working with her hands, and the calming effect of gardening is something she has always appreciated.

Mizuki continues caring for her mini garden, even when the sun is set over the city's horizon. She takes her time, not in any rush to finish or leave her safe haven. And as the moon and stars twinkle brightly above her, she plugs in the outdoor fairy lights, illuminating the rooftop into something much more enchanting.

"Wow." Mizuki yelps as she practically jumps out of her oversized flannel—The material slides down her shoulders, exposing the pale skin of her chest. "All Might?! What are you doing here?!" The young woman takes a moment to gather herself as she sits next to one of her flower beds. Her messy white hair falls over her eyes, and All Might can see the dirt all over her cheeks and forehead. "I didn't mean to startle you, Sweetness." All Might smiles softly as he approaches and kneels in front of her. His calloused fingers gently grip her chin as the pad of his thumb brushes away a bit of dirt that's close to her lips. Mizuki's heart skips a beat as All Might's soft touch causes a shiver of pleasure to run through her body. She's caught off guard by his tenderness and can't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by it. "T-that doesn't answer my question," She stammers, not knowing what else to say. Her face burns with embarrassment as she thinks about how messy she must look, but All Might's gentle smile and kind eyes make her feel a bit more at ease. All Might's arms suddenly wrap around Mizuki's waist, and he lets out a satisfied sigh at the feel of her soft body pressed against his. He can't help but feel a pang of longing for more, but he's content to just hold her in his arms for now.

"Uhm, Hero?" Mizuki mumbles as her face presses against his chest. "I'm getting dirt all over your hero costume." All Might snorts as he cups her face with one hand and grabs a handkerchief from his pocket with the other. He gently wipes the dirt from her pale skin as she scrunches her nose, causing him to chuckle. "There. Is that better?" "I don't know. I can't see my face right now." All Might chuckles again at Mizuki's dry sense of humor. He notices the way she leans into his touch as if she's grateful for his presence, which makes his heart ache a little. He wants to say something, to tell her what he's been feeling, but he doesn't want to make things awkward between them.

As All Might finishes wiping the dirt from her face, he offers a small smile as he stands up. "I should probably get going. I don't want to take up too much of your time." He turns to walk away, but before he can take a step, he stops in his tracks, unsure of whether or not to say what's been on his mind. "Wait!" Mizuki's eyebrows furrow in confusion as she stands up and quickly moves in front of All Might, giving him the perfect view of her exposed cleavage. The hero blushes and clears his throat as he gently grabs the top of her flannel to close a few extra buttons. "I-..." Mizuki blushes furiously but quickly clears her throat to redirect her attention back to the conversation. "You just got here. You can't just show up then leave right after." "Well, what am I supposed to do?" "Tell me why you're here." All Might's gaze softens as he stares down at Mizuki, who still looks confused. For a moment, it feels like time has stopped, and the two of them are the only ones in the world. In that moment, Mizuki feels as though she needs him, and it terrifies her. She's been so used to being independent and self-sufficient, but something about All Might makes her want to be cared for, protected, and loved. It's a feeling she's never experienced before, and it's overwhelming and terrifying—But at the same time, it feels so right.

It's as though a switch has been flipped inside of her, and she can't help but wonder if All Might feels the same way. She can tell he cares about her, but does he love her? Of course not. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, All Might clears his throat, breaking the spell between them. "I'm here because...I need to apologize for the way I reacted the other day." Mizuki's eyes widen, and she takes a step back as reality comes crashing down on her harder than her migraines. "Oh." She looks away from All Might, feeling a sense of embarrassment wash over her. She feels like an idiot for even entertaining the idea that All Might feels the same way. How silly of her to think a famous hero like him would ever want to be with someone like her. All Might looks down at her, feeling a mix of emotions coursing through him. Part of him feels relieved that he didn't have to say what's been on his mind, but another part of him feels like he let her down.

    "Mizuki," All Might says softly as he takes a step toward her. He wants to comfort her, but he's not sure how. He doesn't want to cross any lines, but he can't just leave her feeling like this. "I..." His voice trails off as he looks down at her, unsure of what to say. For a moment, they both stand there in silence, feeling the tension between them. It's as though the whole world has come to a standstill, and they're the only ones left in it. But as the moment stretches on, the silence becomes unbearable, and All Might feels the need to fill it. "I...I should go," he says finally, his voice barely above a whisper. He turns to leave, feeling a sense of regret weighing down on him. "All Might..." Mizuki feels a sense of desperation wash over her, and she wants to stop him from leaving. All Might turns back to face her, feeling a mix of emotions wash over him. He can't help but feel a sense of guilt, as though he's letting her down. But he also can't help but feel a sense of hope, as though there might be a chance for more between them.

"I understand why you were upset with me... I just took it to heart, because-... Nevermind. It's not important." Mizuki exhales softly as she brushes past All Might to retrieve her gardening tools. But before she can bend over to pick up her basket, All Might is in front of her, this time with his hands down at his sides so he's not tempted to touch her. "Don't do that." "Do what?" "Shut yourself down... I want to know what's bothering you." "And I wanna know how you found my address." "A hero's gift. Now tell me what's-" "I'm sorry, did you just call it a "hero's gift"?" "Yes I did." Mizuki stares up at All Might for a moment before chuckling softly. "You are unbelievable, Hero." Mizuki's laughter is soft and almost melodic, and All Might feels a spark of joy ignite inside of him. He loves the way she laughs, the sound of her voice, the way her chest moves up and down with each puff of air that escapes her nose. There's something about her that just makes him want to be around her, like his soul is drawn to hers in some ineffable way he can't even begin to understand.

All Might lets out a small snort at Mizuki's comment, feeling his lips twitch into a small smile. "I know I am." He says with a hint of playful pride in his voice before taking a step closer to her. He wants to touch her, to run his hands through her fluffy hair, to feel the softness of her skin against his rough fingertips. But he stops himself, knowing his touch might be too much for her. Instead, he takes a deep breath, feeling her sweet scent fill his lungs. He doesn't know what it is, but there's something about Mizuki that just makes him want to stay close to her, as though she's his safe haven from the world's chaos.

    "You know, I could probably teach you how to fight without your Quirk." He says with a slight chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. "Who says I don't already know how to fight?" "Oh?" All Might raises an eyebrow with a curious grin. "Would you care to prove it?" "What do I win?" "A free date with your favorite hero." "Hawks?" "Ha-ha, very funny." "Who said I was joking?" "Sweetness..." "Yeah, I'm in."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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𝒟𝒶𝓃ℊℯ𝓇ℴ𝓊𝓈 𝒟𝒾𝓈𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓉𝒾ℴ𝓃 | 𝙱𝙽𝙷𝙰 {All Might}Where stories live. Discover now