Chapter Twelve | 十二

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            "I hate mornings." Mizuki sighs softly as she sits up, regretting her decision to return to the apartment after the previous day's occurrences. "Hey, Mizu... You awake? I made breakfast." The young woman internally groans as she holds her breath and waits for Andrea to leave. "I know you must still be upset, but at least take the food." Tears fill Mizuki's eyes, which begin to burn as she contemplates her next move—Uncertainty clouding her normally rash judgment and morphing it into something more unintelligible. "Mizuki, please talk to me!" Andrea cries out, startling Mizuki and making her feel guilty for ignoring her best friend's pleas. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I'm a horrible person! I said horrible things to you, and you didn't deserve it! Please, please open the door!"

            "Andrea..." Mizuki mumbles as she slowly opens the door. Andrea's bunny ears tremble and twitch as her bottom lip quivers. "I, uh-... I missed you." Her voice is shaky—It's obvious she's doing her best to withhold her tears. "...I missed you, too." Mizuki opens her arms, offering her best friend a comforting hug—Which Andrea eagerly accepts, hiccupping as tears cascade down her smooth skin. "I'm so sorry!!" "Please don't cry, Bunny." No matter what Andrea says or does, Mizuki can't stay mad at her for long. "I don't want things to be rocky between us. And I'm sorry, too. I- I shouldn't have said what I did. You know I'll never willingly leave you. You're my best friend—My sister. Please don't forget that." "Oh, Mizu, I never meant to hurt you. I've been so stressed lately, and I took it out on you. You don't have to work if you're not ready." "It's okay. I want to work." "Are you sure?" "Absolutely." 'Sigh.' "I'm so proud of you. You seem really mature all of a sudden." "Okay, ow! That's a straight shot to my ego." "Hehe~ Sorry, not sorry, Mizu." Andrea teases with a wink.

            "Let's go out today. We can go to the bank, the café, then to the mall or something." "Okay..?" "I'm gonna go change. Meet you at the front door?" Mizuki nods with a small smile as her friend hums and stands up. "Wear something cute." "Whatever you say, weirdo." Mizuki chuckles softly as she stands from her bed before searching for an outfit. She eventually settles on a cropped, red sweater, blue jean pants with a belt, and a black pair of heeled boots. With a satisfied smile, she grabs a jacket and makes her way down to the front door. Andrea is already waiting there in a sweater dress and thigh-high boots. "You look nice." "So do you! Are you ready to go?" "Yup." "Good."

            Mizuki and Andrea made their way to the bank to open an account for Mizuki. About 20 minutes of tedious paperwork passed before the duo finally got to leave—The plain white office building, which made Mizuki extremely nervous, is now far behind them. As the two exit the bank, they take notice of the rain hammering against the concrete sidewalk. "Hmm~ It's raining pretty hard, isn't it?" Mizuki nods softly as she takes a small step closer to the rain that's dripping from the roof. Her hand reaches towards the droplets, and she smiles softly as the cool water sits in her warm palms. "I love the rain." Mizuki smiles fondly as she closes her eyes. "If only it wasn't so cold—I would play in it." Andrea giggles quietly as she lays her head against Mizuki's shoulder.

            "Can we go to the café now? I'm pretty hungry." "Of course. I let Hiroka know we'd be stopping by today, so she's expecting us." "Should we wait for the rain to ease up?" "Nope!" Andrea giggles again as she grips Mizuki's arm and pulls her in the direction of the café. Mizuki shivers as the wind nips at her face—The cool rain seems to sink into her skin, chilling her to the bone. 'Sigh.' "We're gonna get sick," Mizuki mumbles as she begrudgingly lets Andrea drag her to their destination.

            The duo eventually arrive at the Kosuchūmu café. "Ladies first." Andrea pulls the door open and steps inside—Mizuki gasps playfully before following her friend. The café's warm atmosphere instantly wraps around the girls like a warm blanket. "What does that make me then? 'Cause last time I checked, I was a woman, too." Andrea giggles as she wrings her wet hair out.

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