Chapter Seven | 七

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            "Thank you for staying with me, All Might. I've had a lot of fun, and it's all thanks to you." Mizuki blushes as All Might chuckles and ruffles her hair. "Don't mention it, sweetness. I had a lot of fun, too. We should do it again sometime." "As long as it doesn't involve me getting stabbed again, I'm in." The hero chuckles and shakes his head at the beautiful young woman. "Still as charming as ever."

            "Ms Kori?" The duo's conversation ceases as an older nurse peeks her head into the room. She smiles softly as she notices the close proximity All Might and Mizuki are currently in. "Yes, ma'am?" "I've got your release papers here. You can sign them whenever you're ready, okay?" Mizuki's eyes light up at the thought of going home, seeing as it's been a full 48 hours of being stuck in a hospital room. Though, All Might has made it more fun than she's had in a long time. "Oh, thank you so much." Mizuki exhales a soft sigh of relief as she slides off the hospital bed and wobbles over to the nurse. All Might snickers teasingly, earning a playful glare and embarrassed blush in return. "No problem, Dear. Will your husband here be taking you home?" "H-husband?" "Who, me?" All Might blushes and chuckles as Mizuki very clearly panics on the outside, just as much as she does on the inside. "We're not married, ma'am. I'm not lucky enough to have a beautiful woman like her by my side." "Oh, I'm sure that's not true, Hun. You just have to ask her." "Ehem. Thank you again, ma'am. I'll sign these and leave them at the front desk." "Oh, of course, Dear. You be safe now, okay? I don't want to see your pretty face in here again unless it's to say hello." Mizuki blushes even more, causing All Might to grin at how easily flustered she gets. "R-right." The nurse leaves the room with a sweet smile, knowing full well what she's just caused for the duo.

            "So... You think I should go ring shopping?" Mizuki grabs a pillow and throws it at All Might, who snorts and swats it away. "Why does everyone assume we're a couple? I mean, we don't act like one." "Well..." "Shut up." "That's very rude, young lady. Don't you know you should always treat your elders with respect?" "Oh, I'm sorry, Grandpa. Did I stroke your ego the wrong way?" "You little brat," All Might growls through gritted teeth before he decides to take a more playfully aggressive approach, which causes Mizuki to panic internally and wobble away from him. "Don't run, Mizuki! It just makes things worse!" "I thought we agreed on no fighting!" "I didn't agree on anything! Now get your sweet self back over here so I can give you a good lecture!" The duo laugh and joke as they continue to play cat and mouse—All Might chasing while Mizuki does her best to run away. They go laps around the hospital bed while continuing to throw teasing glares and jokes at each other, possibly even flirty jokes and affectionate glances.

            As Mizuki stops on one side of the bed to catch her breath, All Might reaches and snatches her up. She yelps and squirms in his grip as he wraps his arms around her, not letting her escape for one second. "Now, as I was saying—You should always treat your elders with respect because-" "I feel like I'm interrupting something again..." "Andrea! Hi..." The hero and the young woman stare at Andrea as she stares back with crossed arms. Her expression is unamused, but internally she's freaking out for her best friend. Something seems to be blooming. And it isn't cherry blossoms.

"The receptionist told me you're ready to go. I've got our food, so we can go back to the apartment and eat." "Right... Leave... Of course." Mizuki seems to snap out of whatever daze she had with All Might as she wiggles out of his embrace to gather her things. "Mizuki..." "Yes, All Might?" The hero hesitates, not wanting to make the same mistake twice. "I'd like to see you again... If that's okay with you." "You would?" "You would?!" "I really would." Mizuki blushes as her mind turns to jelly under the hero's soft gaze. When All Might and the other heroes had brought Mizuki to the hospital, she never expected to grow some sort of relationship with one of them. And considering it's the number one hero, that makes things a whole lot different. "Okay." "Okay?" "Yeah..." Mizuki smiles and blushes softly as she grabs a sticky note from the bedside table—Her hand moves quickly as she writes down her number before slipping the note into his hand. "I'll see you around, Hero." Mizuki offers up a shy smile as she turns to leave. The hero looks taken aback but manages to give her a grin in return. "I certainly hope so, sweet girl."

            Mizuki and Andrea head to the front desk to leave the hospital, where Mizuki gives her release papers to the receptionist. Andrea's knowing glance doesn't slip past Mizuki as they exit the building. "Why are you looking at me like that?" "No reason." "Liar." "Hero lover." "Oh hush."

            Andrea and Mizuki head towards their apartment, eager to get settled in and eat their takeout. As they make their way down the street, Andrea looks over at Mizuki and can tell that something has changed within her usually shy and closed-off best friend. "So... You and All Might... That's interesting," Andrea says casually, wanting to hear more about Mizuki's interaction with the number one hero. "Oh, it was nothing," Mizuki replies, trying to play it cool. "I mean, it was just a fun little conversation between two people—Nothing serious." "I saw the way he looked at you," Andrea teases while nudging Mizuki in the hip. "Don't start." "Oh, come on—There's something there." Mizuki looks away, not wanting to give away any details, but Andrea can sense the tension that lingers from before.

            As they reach their apartment building, they head inside and start settling in. They eat their meal in silence, both lost in their own thoughts. And while they sit on the couch watching TV, Andrea breaks the silence. "So... about All Might." "What about him?" "Is there something going on there?" Mizuki hesitates for a moment before replying. "I don't know. He seems interested in me. And I...I kinda like him, too." "Oh, so it's a mutual attraction." "I guess so." "How exciting~" "Knock it off."

            As the night wears on, Andrea heads to bed, leaving Mizuki alone to ponder her feelings for All Might. She curls up on the couch, watching TV and thinking about the hero, imagining what it would be like to be with him. Eventually, the young woman falls asleep, but not without silently praying All Might doesn't Ghost her like Toshinori did. She knows she can't handle the silent rejection again.

 She knows she can't handle the silent rejection again

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𝒟𝒶𝓃ℊℯ𝓇ℴ𝓊𝓈 𝒟𝒾𝓈𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓉𝒾ℴ𝓃 | 𝙱𝙽𝙷𝙰 {All Might}Where stories live. Discover now