"We could not believe it when we saw your campfire," Brooklynn said.

"Did you get left behind too?" Yaz asked.

"Not looking like that, the didn't," Kenji said.

"Yeah, are you, like, some super stylish rescue squad?" Sammy asked.

"We don't even know your names," Darius realized.

"I'm Mitch, and my better half here is Tiff. We're eco-tourists," Mitch answered.

"Thats a fancy way of saying we travel to exotic places and photograph rare animals," Tiff explained.

"I know Simon Masrani, or... knew," Kenji said.

"When we heard what happened here, we were like zoop!" Mitch said.

"Zoop! Gotta get down here," Tiff said, "I was fine of taking snaps of lion and tigers, but-"

"Pics of dinosaurs in the wild? You don't pass that opportunity up, do you babe?" Mitch asked.

"I guess you don't babe," Tiff answered.

"I travel too! Before we got stuck here, obvi. You've seen my videos? 'Brooklynn unboxes the world.' The web channel?" Brooklynn asked. Tiff and Mitch shook their heads which caused Brooklynn to scoff. I rolled my eyes. People and their egos sometimes.

"When we activated the emergency distress beacon, we hoped someone would get our signal. I kind of can't believe it worked," Darius explained.

"Oh, yes, the signal. Honey, remember when we got that? It was right after the boat dropped us off," Tiff said. The other man grunted as he chopped the plants out of the way.

I winced. I really never liked the idea of people cutting down plants get to get somewhere.

"That's our tour guide, Hap. Came highly recommended. Knows cameras and outdoors like the back of his hand, but not much of a talker," Mitch explained before calling to Hap. "Almost there, right Hap?" Hap didn't answer and continued cutting down the plants. We continued walking until we came upon Tiff and Mitch's camp.

"Our camp's not much, but hopefully you'll be okay roughin' it with us," Mitch explained. This was not roughin' it. There were tables, and tents, and fancy laterns.

"Oh my gosh," Sammy gasped.

"Oh, is this a dream?" Yaz asked, "Oh, out of my way." We all ran around and looked in awe at their camp. We looked inside one of their tents and gasped at how nice it was.

"Even the mosquito net is luxurious," Sammy gasped.

"This is what I imagined Kenii's penthouse would be like, but better because we aren't locked out," Yaz stated.

"I see brand names!" Brooklynn exclaimed as she held her hands out while smiling. Me and Darius dragged her back before she went crazy.

We continued looking around before I heard Sammy gasp as she held a cam opener.

"A can opener? Do you know how long I tried to open those cans of fruit we found? It almost broke me," Sammy explained to Tiff.

"Oh my goodness, I can't imagine how hungry you all must be. Would you all like some food?" Tiff asked.

We all stared at her, mouths open in shock. Sammy even dropped the can opener. They set out plates of food and we stuffed our faces.

"After that, we escaped another dinosaur attack, and another one. Then we saw your campfire..." Darius explained to Tiff and Mitch. I plopped a fork full of scrambled eggs onto my butter toast and ate it like a sandwich.

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