Investigation 1-1B: Vocalist's Fall

Start from the beginning

"Wait.. your saying we also have to investigate her death?" Hajime mutters.

"Yes indeed! You all need to investigate now! How do you all expect to catch the killer if none of you have any evidence?" Monokuma said.

"It can't be! Someone actually killed? There's no way!?" Mahiru outbursts.

"Phuhuhu, if you make an outburst like that, you'll end up as a suspect." Monokuma says.

"I won't believe it... one of us killed Aria... There's no way something as hopeless as that would happen.." Nagito says whilst in shock.

Byakuya was still upset, then he had a serious look on his face, a look... of determination.

"We might as well start investigating." He said, everyone turned to look at him, but they were cut off by Usami's sudden appearance.

"Hey! What are you saying!?" She yells at Monokuma before turning to face everyone else. "Everyone you can't believe what Monokuma says."

"Perfect Timing Usami!" Monokuma replied


"Turn around..." Monokuma bluntly said.

Usami did so and her eyes laid on Aria's corpse.

"GYAAAAHHH! Wh-Why did this happen?!" Usami says.

Monokuma took the opportunity to attack Usami again. "You ain't my comedy partner anymore!"

"Gyha! It hurts so much when hit me with a charging corkscrew attack!" Usami replied.

"Did ya see that!? That stunning display of power!? Defy your big brother and I'll show you no mercy!" Monokuma said whilst riled up.

"Ugh! If only I had my magic stick, then none of this would've happened..." Usami whimpers.

"Yeah, Yeah whatever let's leave the whiny rabbit loser alone and get back to investigating! Now then... in the spirit of lovely doubt and dovey deception, put your heart and soul into investigating. Best of luck everyone!" Monokuma then disappeared.

"Wh-What did all of that mean? I don't understand at all..." Mahiru melancholy says.

"A search for Aria's Killer... why'd it turn out like this..?" Peko says with a pained expression.

"Ugh! Gimme a break! Why do I have to be involved in this situation?" Kazuichi complains.

"U-Um... you can't doubt each're all friends..." Usami says trying to demotivate the students to investigate.

"However! Aria was murdered, we have no choice but to investigate the truth behind her murder, if we don't... everyone except the killer will be executed." Byakuya spat out at Usami.

"That being said. I cannot abide by this. I've made so many friends.. no way I'm going doubt them now..." Sonia says sadly.

"Were you even listening to me!? Even though it's somewhat of a cruel act, we have no choice but to do this. Or...we'll all die." Byakuya counters.

"Noooo! Friends doubting other friends is a big no-no!" Usami shouts.

"Agh! Go away you useless piece of trash!" Kazuichi snapped.

"Ha-wa-wa! Threats are scary..." Usami then left.

"So..we really have to do this?" Hajime asks.

"No..I don't want to do this..." Mahiru mutters.

"I don't want to do it either... it sounds so scary..." Mikan mutters.

"But it is just as Byakuya said... if we're going to get killed for not doing it... then we may as well do it." Peko reluctantly says.

"I-I can't believe someone would do this to Aria..." Ibuki mutters with tears still flowing from her eyes. Mahiru walked over to Ibuki to try and help her calm down.

"There's no way I can believe it... there's no way... So for that reason... I'll do it! I'll investigate Aria's death. I will do my best to prove that there's no killer among us. There's no need to deceive and doubt each other. What we need to fight is not ourselves... but what's trying to crush us... This Despair!" Nagito Monologues

"Ah! Before you start can I say something? In closed circle detective games, the player usually has to decide who's going to guard the crime scene." Chiaki pipes up.

"Good point.. if we left the crime scene unguarded, the killer could use that as the perfect opportunity to get rid of some evidence." Byakuya says.

"Mr Ham Hands is right." Hiyoko says.

"Y-Yeah I-I agree." Mikan says.

"Nekomaru can I ask you to guard it? You would keep an eye on everyone in the dining hall." Byakuya suggests.

"....OOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!" Nekomaru ran away.

"Wh-What the heck!? What just happened?" Hajime asks.

"That guy has a sensitive heart despite his looks.." Kazuichi comments.

"Um...Ibuki and I can guard the crime scene, I don't have enough confidence to investigate the body, and I doubt i have the brains either... we'll just stay by Aria's side. That's the least we can do.." Mahiru says, Ibuki agrees.

"Mikan, can I also get you to stay behind? I want you to preform an autopsy on Aria, can you do that?" Byakuya asks.

"O-Okay... I'll preform a-an autopsy..." Mikan says.

"What about the rest of us?" Sonia asks.

"It's pretty obvious we're all amateurs.. Going through each grain of sand to find a clue would be a waste of time. The only ones who can do that are the police. There's no way amateurs like us would be able to do that. So.. let's first relay on our intuition. We'll start and prove that none of us killed Aria." Nagito says.

"F-Fine....I agree.... I'm in." Teruteru says.

"If we are to survive... this is our only path." Sonia says.

"Now then everyone. Begin the Investigation! Don't let Aria's death be in vain! This is your leader's order! Understand?' Byakuya declares.

And so... the First Investigation begins.

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