29) Punishment

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"Protect you?" He sneered in disbelief. "How do you expect me to protect you when you would never let me in? Not once in these past months, you once told me why you left Delhi, why you were jobless and in need of money. Not once. I kept dropping hints, wanting to ask you but you would always find ways to change the topic. You never told me. Never gave me a chance."

"Because I didn't want you to jump in this pothole." She screamed, snapping at his accusations. Wiggling his hold, she pushed his fingers away with a force that made her lose her footing.

"Careful." He caught hold of her using her injured wrists, making her wince loudly in pain. He left her wrist at once watching her in horror, she cradled her arm to her chest, taking deep breaths and biting her lower lip to stop her whimpers. "I...am so...sorry, Shreya. Forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you. I am sorry."

"You aren't." She looked up, meeting his grey eyes that watched her as if she could drop dead any second now.

"You need to sit down." He shook his head to physically remove any other thought, any accusation he could put on her. "Let me call the doctor. Your stitches must be at risk. Please, Shreya. Sit down."

"Call a doctor, call anyone you want but you will not be able to mend me, us. You have broken everything today, Rakshit. Everything."

"Shreya, for the love of god, get your ass back there." He gritted, rubbing a palm on his face aggravatedly. "Please, meri jaan."

"You never meant those words, did you?" She flinched at his endearment.

"Shut up." He roared impatiently. "Either walk to your bed or I wouldn't mind carrying you. Make a choice."

She stepped back until her calves touched the side of the bed. Swallowing her pride, her tears, and her complaints she sat back down, cradling the palm closer to her as if she could see her life leaving through that cut. Like that day when she inflicted this wound and wished it to happen, the only difference was today she didn't want to die.

She wanted to live.

"How much do you know about him?" She voiced out.

"I don't know what you are talking about neither I want to talk about it." He waived, frantically pressing the switch to call the nurse. "Where the hell this nurse is?"

The door was opened and a lady rushed in with urgency. "What is wrong?"

"She is bleeding. Get the doctor now." He filled in with panic.

A brief nod with her eyes lingering on her wound and she grimaced before running to call the doctor.

"How much do you know about Darsh?"

"Do you not fucking take his name." He snapped, and in two strides he was facing her. Tilting her chin, he glared at her with his jaw clenched. "Never take his name again."

"Why?" She sneered quietly, the strength seemed to escape along with her blood but she could fight. "Does it hurt hearing me saying his fucking name?"

"Do. not. instigate. me." He gritted, leaving her chin with force. He took steps back calming his rage. "Get well and leave the city. I do not wish to see you again."

"I won't." She rasped watching him turn to leave. "I won't leave. Not when it is you who want me to. Nor I will let you leave. You will have to hear me."

"And what will you do if I leave?" He challenged her.

Shreya ignored his words and repeated her words. "How much, Rakhsit?"

He clutched his hair with angst. "What do you want to hear? I know he was your Ex-lover. He worked with you in Delhi and my phone holds pictures I never wished to see, pictures of you and him."

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