Chap. 69 - Between Life and Death

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Mirana: - NOOOOO! -

The woman screamed in terror, at the same time that a blaster volley fell on the magnaguards.

While Boil fell victim to the relentless fury of the IG droids, the combat outside had come to an end. The mercenaries were no match for a squad of commando droids with enhanced programming, nor against an expert sniper like Kurt. By the time Mirana and the Twi'leks left the building, the battle was almost in its final act.

Once safe, the droids led by Mirana returned in search of the clone, while Kurt tried to hold the young Twi'leks from returning inside that macabre place... but what Mirana herself did not know was that Numa in particular he followed her and the droids very closely.

A fury like she had never before seized the woman when she saw the limp body of the clone on the ground, barely able to move and still with the electrorods discharging her relentless power over what appeared to be a corpse. The ear surfaced on her skin, her cybernetic eye glowing a brighter red than ever, raising her blaster and firing everything she had at the magnaguards, all while Delta and the group of commando droids followed her without even thinking. receive an order.

Several blasters hit the magnaguards as soon as the group entered the corridor, but their strong armor allowed them to resist the impact while they raised their staffs to stop the rain of fire that fell on them. It was too much.

An experienced Jedi would have had trouble withstanding that much firepower, and while the Magnaguards could dispel most of the blasters with the electrified tips of their weapons, the only thing keeping them in one piece was their tough armor as the commando droids fought back. They got closer and closer, with Mirana between them as if her own safety didn't matter.

Delta: - Lieutenant, stand back. -

But Calderón's robotic words fell on deaf ears. As soon as she reached Boil's body and saw the blood coming out of his helmet she went into a rage. She lacking any control of her emotions. She was no longer Mirana, but a beast unable to control her thirst for revenge and death.

Still, behind all the hustle and bustle, Boil's body was lying on the ground, while two commando droids exchanged ideas with each other about what to do... how to help him. But none of them had planned what to do in this situation. When the heartbreaking voice of someone who had just entered the place was heard.

Numa:-No...-she said while she felt the strength escape from her body.

Very different, on the front things were getting more and more dangerous. The commando droids fought frantically against the magnaguardias, to the point that they reached a distance at which using their swords was necessary if they wanted to protect the lieutenant, who emerged among them like an animal trying to be contained in a metal cage.

But in close combat the IG had a certain advantage, and although their long staffs were a little limited by the limited space, they managed to find a way to evade the enemy blades while landing accurate hits against some of the Punitive Guard droids.

Six commando droids fell when their circuits were overloaded by the powerful discharge of the electrorods, but their superior numbers gave them the ultimate victory. One of the IG lost his hands to the constant attacks, and once unprotected he was an easy target for the rest, while the other fell before Delta's own hand. All while Mirana frantically advanced on Takke, aiming her gun right at her face.

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