Chap. 6 - Among the Garbage

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After several minutes, Wag Too came out of the shelter again, now a little calmer and with a small backpack on his shoulders.

Icarus: - Where are you going? -

Wag Too: - I must go to the city. Well... to what's left of it. Hopefully, I'll find something useful. -

Icarus: - Yesterday you almost died because of those pirates. And yet you plan to go again. What is the point of all this? -

Wag Too: - Don't worry about me. I think I'll be fine. Also, I need to find a battery that's still working so you can charge yourself. -

Ícaro: - I don't like the idea, but I suppose you're right... Very well. I will go with you. -

Wag Too: - Are you sure? It is not a very pleasant task. -

Icarus: - It's better than staying here doing nothing. -

Icarus and Wag Too descended from the shelter and headed for the ruins of the city. Downstairs, Wag Too had prepared a place to hide a makeshift wheelbarrow to carry any parts he found back to the shelter. The sun was exhausting, and little Lurmen had to cover his body with several rags to hide from the strong radiation. It didn't affect the droid in the least, though.

Arriving in the city, Icarus followed Wag Too closely, for the Lurmen seemed to have some idea of ​​what he was doing; or so he thought. For more than three hours they searched through the rubble but found nothing of use.

Wag Too: - Oh. This has no case. We've been looking for half a day and we can't find anything worthwhile. -

Icarus was listening to Wag Too, however, he was trying to find an alternative solution, or at least something provisional. And that's when he had an idea.

Icarus: - Are you a good mechanic? - The question took Wag Too by surprise.

Wag Too: - Well. I'm not an expert, but I can fix a few things. -

Icarus: - Very good. Follow me, I think we have an alternative. - Icarus took the cart and began to advance on his own.

Wag Too: - Eh, wait. Wait. -

Icarus advanced through the city ignoring the questions that Wag Too asked him over and over again. He had processed a solution, but he wasn't saying a word about it. For two hours, they toured the city collecting many pieces that Wag Too classified as "junk" but Ícaro seemed to have something in mind with them. And by mid-afternoon, the two were back at the shelter with the wheelbarrow loaded with "scrap," according to Wag Too.

Wag Too: - Hey. Could you at least tell me what you plan to do with all that scrap. -

Icarus: - "Scrap." For now. When we're done, you won't see her that way anymore. -

Wag Too: - Metal rods, tempered glass, plastic boxes, cables, solar cells, regulators, discharged batteries, even an inverter. Unbelievably. This could well be part of an antiquities museum. What are you going to do with all this? -

Icarus: - I don't. You will do it. -

Wag Too: - Me? Do what? -

Icarus: - Solar panels. -

Wag Too: - Are you serious? That technology has not been used for thousands of years. -

Icarus: - Hundreds of thousands of years. To be precise. But for now it will be the most optimal solution. -

Wag Too: - Well. I guess you're right. But I don't know how to make one. -

Icarus: - Fortunately. I have records and plans for this project. But my hands are not designed for this kind of task. - Referring to the crude metal hands that superdroid models used to have. - That's why you must do it. -

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