Chap. 8 - Lost in the Mountains

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Icarus: - Are you sure? I do not calculate that it is how to go to the city and return. My path will probably take me from one war to another. - The lurmen made a mocking face.

Wag Too: - I'm not intimidated. I've been in wars before. As I said, years ago I fought alongside my comrades, clones and jedi against a separatist battalion. - Then his face changed to a somewhat serious and melancholic expression. - Besides, I've been trapped in this rock for so long that I think I've lost my reason for being. I don't know if I should stay or go. Looking for something I don't know what it is... So... If your destiny has a just cause, I won't be afraid to go by your side. - The lurmen looked at the droid showing a sincere smile, something that Icarus took a long time to process. - Also, someone has to keep their circuits in good order. Ha ha. -

In a couple of hours, the droid and the lurmen collected everything they were supposed to need for a long journey. Both Icarus and Wag Too agreed that the Trandoshan pirates who attacked them a few weeks they must have some kind of shelter or lair. A place to hide and rest, and with luck, he sure had a ship at his disposal. There was even the possibility that they belonged to a larger criminal group, in which case they had to act with caution, because they did not want to be involved in a battle that would end their path even before it began.

Wag Too didn't have any knowledge about it, he just knew that the Trandoshans used to use two landspeeders to reach the city from the north entrance. They usually used to scavenge for scrap and parts just like the lurmen, but he always tried to stay aloof from trouble. The meeting with them last time was a blunder on his part. Yet while Wag Too despondently counted his misfortune, Icarus seemed to be computing something else.

Wag Too: - Is something wrong? -

Icarus: - You said that the Trandoshans used to come to the city in landspeeders. However, I have no visual record of any landspeeders when we checked that area of ​​the city more than ten days ago. -

Wag Too: - Maybe someone else took them... It's very likely that other scrappers like me also live around... I mean... The capital city of Mygeeto is huge... They could well spend years going through the ruins and never find anyone else. -

Icarus: - That's correct, but I think what you're saying about landspeeders is unlikely. -

Wag Too: - What do you mean? -

Icarus: - A landspeeder on a ruined planet is too valuable an asset to simply leave it in one place in the hope that no one will take it... The Trandoshans may not be the most intelligent species of all, but they know very well the hazards of being a bounty hunter or pirate. If I had to choose a logical option, I would say that it is 86% probable that at least two of them took care of the landspeeders. -

Wag Too: - Good. That's not a very difficult conclusion but...where do you want to come with all this? -

Icarus: - If I'm right, that's proof enough to know that they have a leader and even a structured organization. -

Wag Too: - Wait... Wait. Are you drawing those conclusions just because of that? -

Ícaro: - As I said... 86%. Taking into account all the registers that I have of the Trandoshans in my data memory. -

Wag Too: - Good. It's not nice to hear, but at least we know it won't be coming in and taking what they would have kept in their shelter. If we only had an idea of ​​don... -

Icarus: - Twelve kilometers to the northeast. - The lurmen looked at him incredulously.

Wag Too: - What? -

Icarus: - The refuge of the Trandoshans. It is twelve kilometers to the northeast. - Wag Too simply looked at him, thinking that it was impossible for him to reach that conclusion so easily. -

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