Chap. 45 - Guide

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Icarus: - Impossible. -

Ki-Adi-Mundi: - Surprised to see me? -

Icarus: - I saw you die with my own optical sensors. I walked to the place where you fell and saw your lifeless body. How is it possible that you are still alive? -

Ki-Adi-Mundi: - Hmm. "Staying alive" isn't exactly the term I'd use. -

Icarus: - This must be a mistake. Computer. It performs a diagnosis on my circuits and detects any failure or anomaly. - Still, nothing happened. - Computer? - He asked worried.

Ki-Adi-Mundi: - You should not be alarmed, dear friend. How can you see... This place goes beyond the reality you know. -

The droid did not understand exactly what the Cerean meant. It all seemed too strange, but somehow, he seemed to know what he meant. He turned his head in all directions to the immense column of gray miasma that surrounded him. There was nothing. There were no plants, animals, or metal structures. There was no sound, and he even doubted if it was light that he could see with his optical sensors. In that strange space of barely five cubic meters, there were only the two of them.

Icarus: - What is all this? Because I am here? -

Ki-Adi-Mundi: - Those are questions for which I don't have an exact answer. Or at least one you can understand. We are in a space between reality and fiction, a space created by the Force itself. A type of astral space. -

Icarus: - That doesn't make sense... And if true. Only organics are capable of achieving such "fantasies." -

Ki-Adi-Mundi: - "Fantasies" you say. But here you are, in front of me. Talking to someone that supposedly shouldn't be possible. - The droid tried to give him a logical answer, but the truth, nothing occurred to him. - And to answer your second question... I don't know for sure why you are here. -

Icarus: - What do you mean? -

Ki-Adi-Mundi: - For some reason beyond my understanding and years of study, the Force has a strange connection with you. To be more exact, with that strange thing you have on your chest. -

Icarus: - My core? -

Ki-Adi-Mundi: - Do you know what it is? -

Ícaro: - My improved core allows me to process a greater amount of information in less time, and make a more accepted decision depending on the situation. - The droid's answer was precise, but it did not seem to convince the Cerean.

Ki-Adi-Mundi: - It seems that there is a lot about yourself that you still have to discover. -

The droid heard those words, and for some reason they managed to reach deep inside the droid. And that was because he knew he was right. Not understanding the principles of the Force, if they could be called that, he felt there was a lot he didn't know about himself and that strange "enhanced core" in his chest. All the information he collected explained the components of said kernel, but at no time did they explain its purpose or what it was designed for. Apparently, that was something he had to figure out on his own.

Icarus: - And tell me. How can he see you? What are you exactly? -

Ki-Adi-Mundi: - In the ways of the force, I am what is usually known as a "Force Ghost." But as far as I understood, that was a myth. Why I am here today and talking to you in this way is a mystery to me too. But it looks like it's related to what you're hiding in your forearm. -

Icarus: - Your lightsaber? -

Ki-Adi-Mundi: - It seems so. -

A few minutes of strange silence passed, quite uncomfortable for the droid, who saw that strange silhouette of ghostly tones in front of him. He was trying to find a logical explanation for everything that was happening, but unfortunately, logic couldn't help him in that situation. Then the Cerean spoke after a long breath, as if she were somewhat disappointed by the encounter.

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