Chap. 56 - Ryloth's Shadow

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The planet Ryloth was famous in all corners of the galaxy. Located in the Gaulus sector, within the Outer Rim itself and a few clicks away from the Corellian Run, it was the homeworld of the famous Twi'ler. A breathable atmosphere, a surface that presented both thick forests and large plateaus and volcanoes full of resources to exploit, without a doubt it was a strategic point to consider for the Empire. Although Ryloth stood by the Republic after its abrupt transition, many of its citizens disagreed with the new measures imposed by this galactic regime.

Ryloth was a planet that would not back down when its people suffered. Although the Twi'ler were peaceful and enjoyed peace, on more than one occasion they had shown enough courage and valor to face their oppressors. They did it against the Separatist Alliance on more than one occasion, and now it was not much different. The Empire knew that a rebel cell was hiding in the planet's sewers, and they had already experienced several attempts at rebellion, which were put down each time, and not in the most friendly way possible. Even so, the imperial high command had complete confidence in their dominance over the planet, since its proximity to the Corellian Corridor made it very easy to deploy reinforcement troops, so they used to turn a blind eye... As long as they could take advantage of it to attempt a rebellion and find out about the whereabouts of another rebel cell.

This was fully known to Cress, who was appointed to "negotiate" with the "peaceful demonstration" that the residents of Ryloth used to claim their rights to him... Or that's what the imperial press propagated by the world of he. But that was something that did not suit the young prodigy very much.

Cress hoped that by being under the Thrawn's tutelage he would be able to join in his campaigns and earn a good name for himself. Instead, he sent him to a planet that, while it had some conflicts, were not of such importance to designate someone like him. He thought that Thrawn just wanted to put him aside, that he wanted to placate the spark in him and put him into oblivion. But Cress had no such intentions, nor the patience for his stupid little toys.

Aboard his Arquitens ship, he could see Ryloth's surface from the window. His gaze was cold and he showed great contempt. A dark aura surrounded him in such a way that no officer dared to say anything more than necessary, even if the report was unimportant.

Then the door to the command port opened. Crees only turned slightly to see out of the corner of his eye the Twi'ler who entered somewhat nervously accompanied by two stormtroopers. He was a thin, shaky-kneed individual of medium height, a mere puppet who had been imposed after the sudden disappearance of the former gazebo Ore Free Taa. Someone unqualified for the position he held, but easy for the Empire to control. Someone who had earned the reproach of his own people, even the nobles of Ryloth itself. A jester in everyone's eyes. One that responded to the name of Piest Heliot, although no one dignitaries even pronounced his last name.

 One that responded to the name of Piest Heliot, although no one dignitaries even pronounced his last name

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Feet: - Admiral cress. What a joy that he respects us with his ...-

Watercress: - Leave the formalities and go to the point. Do you have the information you asked for? -

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