Chapter 10

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Hello beautiful people, I'm so sorry I took so long to update. I had some terrible writer block plus I've been really busy.

Anyhooo, I hope you like this chapter.

Happy reading. x


"So you're certain you have everything packed and you're not forgetting anything" Mere asks again.

"Yes Mere, I'm super sure, trust me"

I zip my last box and stand it up before adjusting my cute high low gown, one of the clothes I bought from the mall when Mere and I went shopping.

"Blue honey,we leave in five" Mum yells from downstairs.

Mere drags the box so it's standing upright before she places her hands on her hips and stares at me.

"Yeah, I guess you're finally ready to go and smash em" She jokes. Seriously, I appreciate her for trying to ease the thick tension and brighten the mood but it's not just happening no matter how hard I try to loosen up.

I'm having mixed feelings about this.

I force myself not to cry because I don't want to ruin the makeup my best friend spent hours working on although it's just a light one.

"I just wish you were going with me" I whine

"Blue it's going to be fine and I'm pretty sure that somehow I'll get the chance to communicate with people outside the rehab. Trust me, you'll be the very first person I'll call when I get that chance. Now for the main part. Babe, the fact that I'm not going to be there does not mean that you should not have fun okay. As far as I'm concerned, you're a model in the making so I want you to loosen up and show em how much of a crazy American moffo you are understood?"

"Yes momma, understood" I tease her.

"Alright my little child, let's get these boxes downstairs" She plays along.

We know each other much too well.

We both look at each other and burst into laughter.

Some things never get old.


Mum hugs me one last time before I slip way to wait in the lounge. Just so you know, I cried when I was leaving the house when I realized what I was going to face. Mum had called for a taxi instead of driving us to the airport because she believes cab drivers drive faster than normal drivers . She helped me check in my boxes and get my boarding pass.

Now I'm about to enter the place where she can't follow me but her tight hug is holding me back. People were starting to stare.

"I just want you to know that I'm very proud of you for doing this and I'm going to miss you so much. I love you so much honey" She displays a sad smile as she lets me go.

"Yes mum I love you too, I'll send a text when I've boarded and landed. Now I think it's time you left before I change my mind and follow you back home". That made her release her grip on me.

"Bye love"

"Bye mum, see you soon" I half whisper as I blow her a kiss.

I scan the room as I walk inside searching for empty seats that are also far from the other people seated here. After returning some rude glares, I walk over to the rear end and sit down bringing out my novel as soon as I relax.

I don't know how many minutes or hours had passed but I didn't want to check the time because I wanted it to go real quick. My butt already hurts like crazy from sitting in the same position for so long.I must have been drowned in my own world for a long time until I heard a faint voice behind me.

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