Chapter 7

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"Blue?" His voice is almost a whisper.

I start sobbing and I find it hard to breathe hence, my words were barely meaningful.

"Blake...I'm sorry for but I just couldn't take it anymore. You hurt me so bad that I cry myself to bed every single night and its worse because I still don't know what I ever did to you to deserve this."

I pause to catch my breath and sniffle. He's not responding and for a second, I believe he has ended the call but I check and see that he's still connected.

I continue rhapsodizing .

"And I don't know what to do because its like my whole life has been destroyed. I..can't even..concentrate on anything again.. Good news!dad is cheating on mum you hear that?, He's cheating on mum let me repeat it. Wait what? it sounds familiar? Of course it does. You did the same thing to me! You guys should be father and ..son because you both suit each other.. I just hate you. I hate what you've done to me and I'm just here alone crying my sad life out. After all we've been through you decided to cheat on me. Good choice. Well I thought you said you were never going to hurt me? You told me you were never going to let me go. I hate that I need you but I want to kill myself because I miss us. Yes Blake I miss us and its too bad nothing can be done about it."

I disconnect the call and hate myself for following my heart instead of my brain. Now he must think I'm a desperate loner. I immediately switch off my phone and dump it under my pillow. This is not the time to receive calls especially from him.

I stand up from my bed and walk to my study table to grab some tissues. My head hurts from a bad headache. I refuse to look at the mirror but I'm pretty sure my nose is swollen and my eyes look like a kid stabbed them with a mascara wand. I lean on my table and start crying again. God this hurts so much I think I need an oxygen tank because apparently, my lungs are not supplying enough oxygen to my body. I'm about to take another sheet of tissue paper when I hear a knock on the door.

Oh God no mum I don't want you to see me like this. I clean my eyes roughly with the tissue wincing at the sudden pain caused by the friction. There's another knock before she starts to open the door slowly. So she heard me crying. I guess I was shouting after all.

"Mum just give me a...."

It's not mum. Mum wouldn't come to my room looking totally clueless and lost. She wouldn't even knock on my door twice. In fact, she never knocks before she barges into my room.

I must be dreaming.

"Blake what are you doing..."

He cuts me off and pulls me into a tight hug burying his head in my neck. I freeze in his arms but melt down right away.

I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his chest. The tears start streaming again.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm here now" he whispers

I hate that he knows how to handle this. He's always known what I wanted every time. He knew that I needed someone to cry to and he came straight away. He came here and just hugged me because that was what I needed, affection.

"It hurts so bad" I weep into his sweet smelling shirt. I remember the familiar cologne

"I know, just calm down Bee" He called me Bee. He called me Bee?. I'm confused on how I should absorb what is just happening right now.

I nod my head and untangle myself from his arms. He steps back and looks at me. Actually if eyes could melt a body, I would have been a candle wax by now.

I'm aware that its only two of us in my room, I'm also aware that it seems like the whole oxygen in the universe has vanished because I'm trying so hard not to choke on my breath.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were okay so i came hear immediately I knew that you were sobbing. You have to stay strong because that's what I know you for."

I look at him, he's wearing sweatpants that somehow seem sexier than usual. His hair is in a complete mess which proves that he came here unprepared. The shirt, its a plain maroon shirt but his biceps are way more than plain.

"Blue, I'm gonna go..right now, you need some space."

Oh shit! I didn't even hear what he said earlier on. He caught me staring again. Oh and yeah of course he wants to leave he just came here to see me cry and to fulfill all righteousness or whatever. I mean it's not like I was thinking of ever getting back together. I actually was. Of course you can go because that does not bother me. No I want you to stay and hug me all night, I want you to kiss my forehead, and play with my hair. I want to feel the warmth from your body like before. I want you to sleep beside me and wrap your hands around my waist all night long. I want your goodnight kiss. I want to hear you laugh. I want your fingers drawing circles on my stomach in an attempt to calm me down. I say all these in my mind because that's where they belong. Mere thoughts that can never happen.

"Yeah sure you can go, thank you for coming. I really appreciate it" I say. My voice is raspy and cracked from a lot of crying and coughing.

He catches my gaze and it seems like we're drowning ourselves in our eyes for eternity before he breaks it.

"It's okay, goodnight" He nods before stepping out of my room and closing the door with a soft thud. I stand there and stare at the door. He didn't say sweet dreams like we used to since we started dating. He does even see us as an option. It's only me and my wild, crazy imaginations.

I stop crying but its not because I'm okay, its because my eyes are dry, no tears will come out no matter how hard I try.

I collapse on my bed rolling over so I'm lying on my back and staring at the ceiling. The whole house is quiet except from the faint noise of the dishwasher in the kitchen. I forgot to ask Blake how he got into my house because I'm half certain that mum would not have let him in if she had seen him.

There's no way I can get through this. I know that its an act of cowardice to escape from your problems but I guess I can be a coward for some time till I find myself again.

I never knew I was going to think about this again but here am I giving it a retreat. It's the only way I can get my mind off all these drama that weigh me down. It's the only way I can escape seeing mum cry every time and not being able to do anything because I have no idea on what to do as I'm not the perfect daughter. It's the only way I can hide from what life has thrown to me in my face. Its the only way I can see people and not remember hurt. Its the only way I can understand why I have everything but lack everything. Its the only way I can give myself time to think. I believe its the only way I can be a stronger woman.

I have decided to go far away from home. I have decided to partake in the modelling competition. I want to see what life holds for me from another perspective.

I drift into sleep with one lone tear traveling down my cheek.

Okay guys, I know its a short chapter but I just wanted to get this phase done with so I can move into the main part of the plot. Also I just wanted a time when Blake and Blue would have a little moment of their own because I considered it important.

Yeah I know Blue is getting it hard but that's her character you know, relax there's more to come.

Well, that's it, share some love by voting and commenting.

See you in Chapter 8

I love you all, bye x

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