"Hyung? Sorry, I thought since we were...like...I don't know I just felt I could call you that now, should I not?" I asked him,

Junghyun shook his head as if coming out of trance, "It's fine, it's just....no one ever called me like that, so I was taken aback"

"But, isn't everyone else in your team younger than you. Then why don't they address you like that?" I asked him, little bit confused,

"Because they are bunch of assholes, who can't respect their elders" he huffed,

I tried to hold in my laughter, suddenly I remembered what we were actually talking about

"Back to the topic, You still owe me a answer"

He sighed and nodded in defeat. I gleamed, but then my eyes caught the sight of broken pieces of vase still lying on the floor.

"But before that, we need to clean that," I said, pointing towards the mess on the ground, "Also, you need to be ready with a suitable excuse when Max finds out that his favorite vase is gone,"

Junghyun gave no reaction like he could care less about it. I shook my head at him and by myself cleaned the mess, though he helped a little too. After that, we both slumped down on the couch, resting our heads on the back of the sofa, and stared at the ceiling.

"So where should I start?" he asked as he sat cross-legged facing me,

"Maybe from the start ?" I suggested. The note of impatience in my voice caught Junghyun off guard.He leaned back on the mattress with his hands stretched out behind his back, looking at the ceiling as he exhaled loudly. A dark look crossed his features.

"When Junhee was 8 years old. She and I lost our parents in a car accident." he paused as I looked sadly at him, "Being so small, we had no idea what was even happening with us. We would have lost if it not had been Max who took us with him"

I jerked my gaze back at him in shock. "Max? You mean Uncle Max?"

He flicked his gaze back to me a moment. I inwardly gasped at the intensity of the pain behind his eyes. For a moment, I wanted to go and hug him and tell him it's all okay now, but the moment was gone as he cleared his throat, the look in his eyes turned gentle.

"Yes, he took us in and raised us. Whatever we are today it's because of him only,"

At first, I couldn't believe what he was saying.

"Max is whom who taught us, trained us to be a spy. He was a friend of my parents, and they all were spies. My dad was the head of this agency that he created on his own, so of course, he had some enemies." he smiled bitterly, "After my parent's death, Max feared that they would come for us, so he secretly raised us and trained us. Nobody knows our real identity. For everyone, we are just like other secret agents, except the head chief of our agency as he knew our parents."

he paused to let me process everything, and slowly I got hold of it. I nodded at him to continue.

"After we turned 18, we joined agency too, and that's when the curiosity of what happened to my parents got me. Max never told us, but I needed to know because I always felt that something was wrong," he glanced at me as if to check my reaction, before continuing. "So I asked him, and that's when I came to know that they did not die in an accident. They were killed,"

I caught my breath, surprised by the sudden truth. Junghyun sat straight and looked at me closely, gauging my reaction.

"They....were..Ki...Killed?" I stuttered over my words, as it was still hard for me to digest this fact. he nodded, his eyes glinted with unshed tears. I stared at him as he closed his eyes with a deep breath before continuing.

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