Chapter FIFTY.

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(Time 8:15 a.m. Monday Still.)

Elena Shaw's (POV)

Looking over at Lola I see Chloe is an eager baby this morning for her milk and smile as Lola smiles saying, "I'm glad you two are going to stay, I don't know what we could do just yet but I'm sure the five of us can figure it out." Chuckling I nod saying, "True, seems like we are not out of things to do just have to figure it out in the end." We both chuckle just as we both hear a grumpy Piper groaning out, "What is all this giggling this morning huh?, I tried going back to sleep but I can't..." she yawns stretch and Lola and I look at one another and burst out laughing again. this cause Chloe to wine and Esme to jump some so that results in us apologizing to our girls. Looking back at Piper I hear Lola say, "Oh you needed to get up anyway love that way we have more time today to do things. Elena and Esme agreed to spend the day with us."

At this Piper smiles even with her hair all crazy like and her in night time pajamas she is still so stunning just like Lola. I hope I continue aging well, this thought alone has me giggling in my head. Feeling Esme squirming on my lap I look down and see she is done nursing, so I cover myself and help set up to lay against my chest. Once she is settled I wrap her blanket around us and start patting her back as I sway us lightly wanting her to burp. Spotting Lola doing the same with Chloe I smile and look back at Piper who waves off Lola and goes into the kitchen. Looking back at Lola she just rolls her eyes saying, "She'll be fine knowing her the moment she has two sips of her coffee she'll start cooking." We giggle quietly this time and not saying, "Well I look forward to that than."

Esme Knight's (POV)

As momma is patting my back I am close to burping, so I relax into and let myself that rush of air. It cause two burps and I sigh just as momma rubs my back saying, "Oh those was some good burps baby bean!" I giggle and lean back blushing as she just leans forward and pecks my nose making me blush and smile more. wiggling and with the help of momma I get set sideways on her lap as she moves to, to get more comfy after holding me for so long. Looking up I catch Lola watching us and I blush more but smile and wave making her do the same as she is just finishing up getting Chloe to burb as well. Feeling a hand on my face I sputter and shrug away just as momma says, "Sorry baby but you have a milk mustache." Blushing more I squeal and throw myself hiding in her chest as her and Lola laugh at my shyness. Right at this moment I'm feeling big still, but I do love the attention so I'm ok with them babying me either way. As long as I don't have to be out of momma sight that is. Looking up at her I smile, and she catches me stare and leans down pecking my lips making me giggle after pecking hers back.

Seeing Lola still watching us I start fidgeting with my shorts loops again and I peek at Chloe still in her mommy's arms she is tiny this morning like I was yesterday it makes me smile. Patting momma's chest I wiggle whispering, "Want down please." She nods sets me on my feet I of course to my signature wiggle stretching, gain momma and Lola's laughter once again. so, I giggle and smile up at them and shrug before I make my way over to Lola and Chloe. Lola smile saying, "Well hello dear feeling more content after your milk?" blushing I nod and look at Chloe saying, "S-She small this m-morning." Lola smiles and nods, I look back at momma and she just smiles and mouths "Go on", I giggle I look back at Lola and Chloe asking, "S-Small as me?"

She blinks and looks a momma before saying, "Yes dear she hasn't been this small for some time though, I think her seeing how tiny you were yesterday got her to slip some more." smiling I keep fidgeting with my loops saying, "B-Being real t-tiny is good for her, I feel so at peace when I am that small." Lola blinks and I take a breath feeling myself slip to my fully adult self, I relax my shoulders and stand a little taller. She smiles after a second saying, "I see we have adult Esme now." nodding I smile and blush slightly shrugging saying, "Seems that way." I giggle I have no clue why I just slipped fully to my adult self, I sway a little scrunching up my face trying to figure it out but nope, not a clue. Sighing I look back up at her and shrug again, hearing a giggle I turn and see Len giggling I blush grumbling out, "Len..." she covers her mouth than moves her hand saying, "I'm sorry love you are just so adorable when you're thinking, come on you can't deny it." shrugging I stick my tongue out at her and turn back to Lola as of course my momma giggles again, just thinking now I don't know why I called her ma when I was in my tween space maybe it was just the teen embarrassment feelings.

Tiny Step's (MDLG Story.) Temporarily ON HOLD.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora