Chapter FOUR

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Esme Knight's (POV)

Yawning stretching, I sigh feeling warm for the first time in forever as I reach up rubbing my eyes I kick my feet out and frown. Before freezing up wondering why I am so warm and why I am not hurting or cold like I usually am waking up under the jungle gym. Yawning again I blink and slowly wake up before looking around and I frown more seeing I am in an unknown room, and it looks like something out of magazine catalog. Whimpering I set up quickly and wrap my arms around my legs scared and screaming in my head on why I am here and not in my hiding spot. Sniffling I wipe my eyes nibbling my lip I spot my duffle, so I quickly crawl on the bed and grab it before going back against the head board of the bed. Looking down at myself I see I am out of my jacket and boots but everything else is still in place.

Which Is a relief looking around again I spot my boots at the end of the bed along with my jacket and I sigh. Glad my things are all still with me as I look around the room I cant help but think of it as a princess room but for an older princess not young like me. Still worried and wondering how and why I am here I fidget with my duffle shaking, no one has ever found me in my hiding spot let alone when I am sleeping. Who could have found me and brought me here, wiping my tears I look at the door hearing foot falls then talking causing me to whimper.

Listening closer I hear who I think is two women that allows me to relax a little, but I stay on guard ready to bite, kick and claw at the person if they are a danger and threat. Holding my duffle tighter. I see the door handle move a little then I hear one of them walk off, waiting for my death I just nibble my lip. As I watch the door as if in slow motion open up and the person I see once it is fully open shocks me frozen. Seeing the goddess, I have watched for so long is before me, she freezes seeing me awake but then she smiles, and I relax more. as she closes the door I jump and she quickly turns putting her hands up slowly saying, "Shh its ok sweetheart, you are probably scared and wondering why you're here huh." Blinking I slowly nod, and she smiles before walking towards the end of the bed, watching her every move I wipe my eyes again as she says, "Me and my best friend Kelly found you at the park last night baby we couldn't leave you there. I am sorry we took you from there." Blinking again I nod again, and she smiles lightly setting on the edge of the bed as she does I lean further back against the head board and she holds her hands up again saying, "I won't hurt you baby yeah; can you talk love?"

Nibbling my lip, I look away then back at her nodding she blinks and smiles asking, "Can you tell me your name and age love?" blinking I am freaking out right now what if she just thinks me silly and calls the cops anyway that is usually what happens when a child is found. Then again she did bring me to where ever I am, looking around I hear her saying, "It's ok baby I just need to know, I have not called anyone yet." At the yet part I look at her and purse my lips making her smile more and I can't help but love how beautiful she is when smiling, shivering I also know she will probably think me weird or disgusting finding out I am eighteen, unable to age, lesbian and to top that off a little. Just these thoughts makes me want to act dumb like I am fully a child and when she goes to call the police I bolt and run again. but now that I am finally this close to my crush I can't help but want her to like me for who I am and want her to be my mommy and partner. But knowing I will never age no one would want to date me the way I am it's too much like I am the child I look like.

She frowns looking worried asking, "You ok baby?" shivering I grip my duffle tighter against me nodding and she sighs saying, "I know your scared honey, but I really need to know your name and age it will help me find your family yeah." Scrunching my face up I shake my head quickly and she pauses asking, "You don't have one or ran away from them?" groaning I role my eyes and she blinks and chuckles before I see some kind of look in her eyes as she sighs saying, "Well if you're not going to talk yet how about getting cleaned up and into some clean clothes huh. None of my things will be your size but you will be comfy yeah." Blinking at this I could use a hot bath, I haven't fully bathed in ages, so I nod my head quickly and she chuckles and smiles saying, "Ok baby I'll go make a warm bath hmm and then find you one of my shirts. Do you have undies you can wear?" blushing I look away and nod hearing her laugh again, her laugh is amazing it gives me goose bumps. Looking back at her she smiles and stands saying, "Ok I'll be right back yeah the bathroom is just though this door." Watching her she opens a door near the window in the room and disappears, looking at the door I assume is the exit I nibble my lip then look back and forth.

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