Chapter NINE

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Elena Shaw's (POV)

Shocked and feeling so much rage and hate I want to kill those sick bastards, but Esme is crying so hard and trying to get as close to me as possible in her distraught state. I gasp holding her close rocking her trying to get her calm. Looking over at Kelly she is crying with her hand over her mouth, and I sniffle as I look back down at Esme who is losing it from all the pain she just released from telling us her story. Sniffling I feel her pulling at my shirt crying harder and I frown before it clicks I gasp again looking at Kelly saying, "Kell she slipped!" her eyes go big and she sniffles wiping her tears saying, "Well go on you know what to do when a little is like this."

Blushing I look down at Esme's bright red tear-streaked face and I know I need to calm her, or she will pass out or worse throw her voice out. Looking at Kelly I sigh saying, "Hold her for a second." She nods and I hand a very upset baby over to her as I do Esme kicks and screams reaching back for me and I have to hold myself together, quickly I take my shirt off before doing the same to her, but I freeze and so does Kelly at the state of Esme's tiny body. Covering my mouth wanting to throw up but I can't I just grit my teeth more angry at those who were supposed to care for her. taking her into my arms she immediately calms down to sniffles and hiccups as she snuggles into me skin to skin.

Crying I just hold her close rocking her trying not to scream out loud, I knew she was malnourished but to see her naked and see her bones so pronounced through her skin is sickening. It's a miracle she is alive being so small let alone able to move and function properly and then the scars on her body. I don't know what they are from, but some are worse than others shaking my thoughts I sniffle and look over at Kelly just as Esme falls asleep and she looks as bad as I feel. She scoots closer looking Esme over and I hold her closer, so Kelly stops saying, "I know love she is safe with you and with me yeah." Nodding I shake my head asking, "Why Kell?" she nods wiping her tears saying, "I don't know but I know if anyone can care for her and get her back to health it's you." Sniffling I nod but grit my teeth saying, "I want them dead Kelly all of them!" she doesn't look shocked she just nods holding her tears back as I try to do the same with mine.

We just set here watching Esme sleep against my chest she moves around her little lips suckling and her tiny hand closing and unclosing like she is nursing, and she would be if I moved her down a little on my chest. But I don't want her to freak out when she comes too I know now she is a little for sure, but I would never have her do something without asking. Moving some hair out of her face as her braids have come more lose I lean down kissing her head before adjusting her more against my chest, as Kelly asks, "Her duffle she had, did you go through it?" looking at her I frown shaking my head and she nods saying, "I wouldn't tell you to but now that you know she is little she may have some comfort items in it." blinking I sniffle again nodding saying, "She may and I still have some new stuff in" she nods leaning over kissing my head saying, "If you want I'll get them I don't want you to have to go in there if you're not ready."

Nodding I keep rocking Esme saying, "Maybe just get her a paci and check her bag for a stuffie if she doesn't have one there is a new little puppy stuffy on Jenny's dresser." Gulping I look away, but Kelly stands and hugs me saying, "I know love its ok." Nodding I sniffle and watch her leave the room as she does I call out, "Get wipes and stuff I don't know if she gets so little as to go in her sleep but right now she is very tiny I don't want her having an accident and making things worse when she wakes."

Nodding she disappears upstairs, and I look back down at a still red-faced baby Esme though she is sound asleep, after crying so hard I know her body must be aching, so I am glad she fell asleep. But also worried for when she wakes looking over her body I try counting the small and large scars from what I see but there are so many not so much they cover her whole body but enough to be concerned about. Also, I can see her ribs and other more pronounced bones I can tell she had a few broken ribs before from just the angle and one of her wrists was broken but I don't know when. Shaking my head, I dig my phone out and its almost three so I call my doctor waiting I finally get an answer but it's her voice box so I leave a message for her to call so I can set up and appointment for Esme. I know she will hate it, but we need to get a map of her health and a plan to get her back to full health and strength.

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