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(Time Skip Monday Still)

(Back In Chicago)

Christen Dorell's (POV) (Bad Lady)

Laughing I go over the latest reports from Rat and the Fixer and I could not be happier with the results. First we are done with Gordan of Gordan and Philip's law office the shit was able to embezzle half the company and I have just received the wire transfer; little does he know he won't survive or be able to enjoy the ten million he just transferred into my account. Laughing more I throw back another shot of whisky as my fixer goes on about the latest reports on the FBI showing up. We are in the clear still, you would think after fifteen years of this they would have found me now but no I am just good at my job. Smirking I finish our call and call Rat. As I wait for the call to go through, when I hear his breathing on the other end and him giggle before he starts speaking saying, "Oh we did good boss looks like you are done for the year, and no one has any clue as to what has happened also the files you wanted to frame Mr. Gordan with, have already been sent to his company and partners." Smiling I sigh saying, "Goodie Rat now don't forget this clean up better go better than the last, I don't need us getting caught over some sleazeball's who likes to cheat on their wives!" he laughs typing saying, "Of course boss and any luck this one's wife will kill the asshole for us!" laughing more I take another shot saying, "Right! Now do you have any updates on my baby I so want to see her?!"

He laughs saying, "Yes of course boss seems all is going well, she has been spending alone time with her parents today and seems her friend and the little are back at the bungalow." Smiling I nod glad my baby is having a good time with her parents, hearing typing I wait when I hear him groan and I set up asking, "What was that?!" he clears his throat saying, "Sorry boss seems our eye's are wondering and have gotten off track after the last report which was an hour ago. I just sent him a message for, and update and he did not check in you know how he likes the cute tiny things!" growling I grit my teeth saying, "You better get him back on track if he fucks this up by going after the little we are so screwed and if I don't get my baby this year I will kill all of you!" he gulps typing faster saying, "On it boss promise your plans will not be derailed!" laughing I grip my desk chair saying, "They better not be I am looking forward to getting my baby, now fix this and let me know their next destination!"

Throwing my shot glass, I hang up the phone and set back rubbing my temples and smirk I can't wait to see you baby I will make you so happy and so loved! Giggling I log into the latest files Rat just sent me and smirk transferring eighty percent of the profits to my offshore account that not even Rat can break into. Smirking I lick my lips before setting back again, satisfied I will have my baby soon.

(Back In Hawaii)

Eye's (POV) (Bad Guy) (New)

Giggling under my breath I hide furth inside the bushes near the bungalow wanting to catch site of the precious little thing I first saw at the shopping center. Licking my lips, I shiver as my phone rings groaning I look at it seeing I need to check in, but I ignore it. I got to see the tiny one cuddled up with her momma before they went back inside and then I got to see them kissing which made me super angry, I want her for myself! Boss lady says I can't stray when on assignment but how can I not with such a precious angel in my eyes sights and then Fixer has his eyes on her too, the meanie he always gets the good gifts from boss.

Shivering I look back at the bungalow seeing they are really quiet, so I go to leave the bushes but freeze hearing laughter and people talking. Looking around I spot boss lady's baby and her parents, and I lick my lips seeing why boss likes her so much, but she is still not as precious as the little thing in the bungalow. Once they are past me and fully inside I quickly sprint out of the bushes and back to my own bungalow to report in knowing Rat and boss will flip shit if I don't. but I will have that precious flower even if I have to get her before boss gets her baby, giggling though she may kill me it would be worth the taste I would get from the flower!

Tiny Step's (MDLG Story.) Temporarily ON HOLD.Where stories live. Discover now