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(Back in Chicago.)

Christen Dorell's (POV) (Bad Lady)

Laughing looking over my computer screens I sigh seeing we are finished with are latest scam and I can finally get on with wining my love. Awe sweet, beautiful Kelly you will soon be all mine licking my lips my phone rings and I groan answering it growling out, "This better be good!" the person on the other line laughs and I groan before they say, "Yes boss, all is going well I am close to finding who leaked to the FBI and Mr. Fixer is waiting on your instruction's for taking care of Gordan."

Sighing I take a swig of my whiskey saying, "Well than get back to me when you find who the leak was also inform him he can do as he pleases as long as it's clean and does not bite my ass later on got me!" he laughs typing before saying, "Of course boss will do, enjoy the rest of your day oh and our eyes on your prize checked in he said your prize is looking well and is tanning up nicely!" squealing I set up and shiver saying, "Oh goodie tell him to keep himself in check until I say, you know Mr. Fixer wants that other prize and if Mr. Sleaze does something we could lose a good asset!" He laughs saying, "Of course boss will do talk soon." We hang up and I laugh clapping my hands oh my prize I will see you soon!

(Time Skip)

(Sunday Back in Hawaii)

Esme Knight's (POV)

Coming out of the fog that is my brain I blink several times and yawn before focusing seeing that I am in our room in the bungalow. Smiling I rub my eyes and face stretching and whimpering at each little ache or pain I have including my wrist the darn thing is so heavy with the cast though I can wiggle my fingers now with out crying it still aches here and there when I move it. giving it an evil look, I rest back in my cocoon of pillows and blankets before looking to my left smiling seeing Elena all sprawled out and drooling which makes me giggle yet quickly cover my mouth, so I don't wake her. yawning again I look around and see the clock on the side table seeing it is almost seven, so I sigh glad I am not up to early, some days I wake at around five and others just before seven or eight which is weird but only happens in my big space.

Considering little me jumps between spaces and time I don't even know the half of what happened when I was little even with Elena explaining. Though I wish I did it makes me jealous that my little self has Elena fully more than my big self though I can't exactly complain can I since its still me. Rolling my eyes at my thoughts I stretch again and set up blushing feeling my wet diaper and I groan. Looking at Elena again I smile before scooting down the side of the bed and I waddle towards the bathroom hating this wet diaper. Even if its full I still need to pee, giggling at the word pee I stick my tongue out and quickly get my dirty diaper off and throw it away before finding the wet wipes and a pull up on the sink. Cleaning myself up first I go use the toilet and do my morning routine after I pull the new pull up onto my butt.

By the time I am finished and feel clean I giggle at my appearance in the mirror seeing my hair all over the place like it exploded out of the braid in the middle of the night. I'm not good at doing my hair so that's why I love Elena doing it, even with my cast wrist I still do a sucky job, but decide to brush it out at least a little until she wakes and can fix it. balancing on the step stool I reach for the brush and sigh when I grab it without falling, once it is closer to me I get to struggling with the ties and I groan cause it hurts my wrist to fight with them, but I get them out. Getting the braids fully loose and untangled I start brushing from the bottom of my hair which is almost to my feet and up. smiling I finish glad it doesn't look like a nest no more I stretch again remembering most of yesterday and I blush and shiver at the same time.

Hoping off the stool I giggle remembering all the emotions, care, love and even the fun I had when I was with my momma and messing with Kelly. She is silly, as I'm making my way back into the bedroom I freeze and shiver not for a good reason but for remembering the creeper I saw at the shopping center. I do hope that was a one-off thing and I know I freaked Elena and everyone else out, but I know that look and that vibe from a person like that and it is not a good one. Rubbing my arms and sides I look around the room and see the sun rising through the big patio doors and their shades. Going over I peek through and blink and giggle it is so pretty, when Elena asked how I felt about coming to Hawaii I really thought she was pulling my leg but to see this tropic paradise in person is amazing. Watching the palm trees and some shrubbery flow with the light breeze that is flowing I sigh leaning against the door in awe.

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