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Elena Shaw's (POV)

Catching Alice watching us I smile adjusting a giggling Esme in my lap saying, "She was big for a little bit after breakfast but than slipped again when we started our walk. She doesn't usually remember when she is really little, so she forgot about the ocean walk yesterday after dinner." Chuckling Alice smiles and nods saying, "That is understandable but hey she got to enjoy it for the first time twice yeah." Chuckling I nod kissing my girls head as Alice asks, "How are you dear?" blushing I pat Esme's back as she keeps playing with my hair and I sigh saying, "Much better to be honest Alice, I was in such a deep state of depression the last year and half and I was just planning a break as Kelly suggested it last week when we found this little one." She nods taking a drink of tea saying, "Seems she is helping you than yeah."

Nodding I smile at Esme seeing her rosy cheeks saying, "We are helping each other and Kelly. Alice, Esme was homeless when we found her she has been living on the streets for two years and she had been going through hell even before that." Alice blinks looking at Esme with that deep concerning and loving look she gives Kelly and I before she shakes her asking, "How did such a tiny and precious thing survive like that?"

Shaking my head, I sigh saying, "She is so strong for her age, size and all that she has been through I am just so glad she has survived. I would tell you more, but I don't want to break her trust." Nodding Alice smiles saying, "I understand dear, and I can't wait to meet big Esme as well." Nodding I feel a tug on my shirt and look down smiling at Esme as she smiles up at me, chuckling I kiss her nose making her giggle as I say, "Silly baby." She giggles patting my chest giggling out, "Silly momma!" smiling I kiss her head hearing a cart rolling our way looking up I smile seeing two servers bringing our food and hear Kelly and Sam clap their hands as Kelly squeaks out, "Oh yeah food!" we all laugh as the servers start setting our food on the table along with our wine we ordered, and I smile just as I hear a tiny gurgle sound.

Looking down at my girl I chuckle seeing her blushing slightly, kissing her head I whisper, "Does momma have her big Esme back again and is my baby hungry hmm..." she blushes more if that is even possible and looks up me, smiling I kiss her head whispering, "It's ok baby you don't have to talk, or anything just relax, and you open up as you want yeah." She nods and I sigh breathing in her scent as I see Kelly rubbing her hands together as she is about to dig into some crawfish. Chuckling I pat Esme's leg whispering, "Look how silly Kelly is being with her food." She peeks that way and giggles seeing Kelly with part of the crawfish in her mouth looking silly.

Esme Knight's (POV)

Giggling as Elena holds me closer as we watch Kelly a little when she looks our way taking a drink of her wine saying, "What you two giggling at hmmm?!" giggling more I hear Elena snort and laugh along with the other two who I am assuming is Kelly's parent laugh. looking around I smile it is so beautiful and tropical cause it is Hawaii after all but still in person I am in awe the sun is bright and the breeze is sea salty but fresh as we are set under a patio shade. Sniffing the air, I scrunch up my face at the fresh sea food, but it does smell good I just have never been a fan of the smell. Believe me dumpster diving for food at sea food places is not a pleasure. Hearing a giggle and feeling Elena kiss my head I look up a her blushing as she whispers, "Not a fan of the smell love?" giggling I shake my head whispering, "Dumpster diving for food at a sea food place is not well off so never been one for the smell b-but I, I l-like sea food specially shrimp and fish."

She nods and I hear a few gasps causing me to freeze up when I feel Elena hug me closer kissing my head whispering, "It's ok baby they are just in shock that you are actually and adult hmm." Nodding I blink and peek out looking around the table seeing nothing but smiles so I smile back as Kelly pipes up saying, "See told you it messes with your head!" Everyone laughs and the man lightly smacks Kelly upside the head making me giggle and everyone laugh more as he speaks saying, "Well it is nice to meet big you Esme dear my name is Samuel, but everyone calls me Sam I am Kelly's father, and this lovely woman is Alice my wife and Kelly's mom." Smiling I look between them and nibble my lip before squeaking out, "N-Nice to m-meet you b-both as well." They smile and Sam continues saying, "And also sorry for our daughter I assume you have gotten used to her since of humor." Giggling I look at a blushing and pouting Kelly and smirk saying, "Yes the cave woman and I have been getting acquainted!"

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