"Oh my god please be quiet!" I said "eh ok I still have more though" he said shrugging "thanks" I said. As we walked me and Jay talked about video games "and the level 3 boss come on the people who made this don't know what hard even means! I beat it in like a minute" Jay bragged "I know right?" "Yeah!"

"Guys shh look" Lloyd said grabbing Jay's arm, we stopped and looked to were Lloyd was pointing to. "Is that Zane?" I asked, the figure walked in circles again and again. After staring at it for a while Jay got up "I'll go check it out" "no you idiot what are you going to do if it's not Zane?!" I scolded him "I'll be fine I promise" he said smiling. I watched as he walked away getting closer to the figure, "Zane?" I heard him say the figure turned and quickly ran over to him, turns out Jay was right it was Zane.

After talking about what happened nobody had any idea how to get out. "We could try to break the roof or something?" Jay said  "really?" Kai responded sarcastically Jay grumbled and muttered something about not being fair and some other stuff I didn't hear. "Any other Ideas?" Lloyd asked "nope" Nya said "same" I responded "uh guys" Jay said taping my arm "maybe we could find something to help us?" Kai said "guys you really need to see this" Jay kept saying more nervously "or maybe-" "GUYS" "what?" Nya said looking at Jay "what is that?" He said pointing upwards.

We al froze when we looked up, the sky/roof/whatever the heck you wanna call it was clearing up. After a minute the darkness was completely gone and we stood in the abandoned where house. "Um.. how did that just happen?" Kai asked "who cares? We need to find that William guys and stop him from getting into any more trouble!" Nya said already running out the door. We all followed her as fast as we could me and Lloyd on the roofs while the rest went through the streets. Little did we know that back at the where house was the 2 assassins that set us free  smiling at us. Knowing that whatever happens, that the ninja never quit.

Kai's p.o.v

The night was quiet and still except for the occasional street cat in the dark alleys. We weren't exactly sure where William was but all we knew was that whatever happens this needed to end. Once and for all. We got to the center of ninjago city and looked around. Suddenly the lights of Borg tower turned on and flashed straight at us.

"Hello ninja"

Jay glared up at the lights, Nya gritted her teeth angrily. Yet he continued

"I knew you were going to escape anyway. But now I've got the higher ground what will you do now?"

He smirked smugly, I resisted the urge to beat his face into a pulp.

"In a matter of minutes my creation will destroy you all"

I looked up and saw a machine glowing brighter and brighter with each passing second, it looked like it was taking up energy from the entire city.

"So let's keep you busy until then shall we?"

His face twisted into a sinister smile as he pushed a button on his watch. We heard creaks of gates opening, I whipped around and saw robots with blood red eyes and sharp as knives hands. The mere sight of them sent chills down my spine, and the worst part is that there were hundreds of them, versus six of us.

One of the fights I'll never forget. Ever. The movements were fast, quick and precise. One wrong move and it could cost you your life. I will always remember the ugly bodies of the robots as they fell and fell, the blood of our injuries. The exhaustion and the lack of air, it will forever haunt me. The screams of people as they saw what was happening, the laugher of the devil himself, William. Lloyd passed me and quickly told me something "Jay and Cole'll stop William, we just need to hold of the robots until they do" Then he got nocked over and fell to the ground, he winced then got up and ripped the robots arm right off "mad much?" I asked "you could say that" ha said smirking

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