Teenty nine.

910 14 3

Isobel PoV

"Shhh.. it's ok Bella," I hear his soft voice over my sobs.

I focus on calming my breathing. Just another nightmare.

It was too realistic. Losing Ryder. Losing Lola. I can't shake the feeling of heartbreak and dread.

I turn in Ryders arms, cuddling into his bare, warm chest. I feel my face is wet. My body aches from sobbing. Though I'm quiet now, I'm still loud as I'm out of breath. My heart is pounding.

"I'm here baby, you're ok," his deep soft voice soothes me, my mind, my body.

I feel his hand stroke my lower back, then his soft kiss on the top of my head.

I peek up, blinking to try to focus my eyes. It's so dark. Must be too early to get up yet.

He's looking down at me. I feel bad for waking him, for worrying him.

"Sorry," I tell him and he shakes his head.

"Nothing to be sorry for, go back to sleep tesoro. I've got you," he tells me quietly and I cuddle into him as much as I can.

I need him to keep these fears from my mind.


I wake to movement. Ryder is moving.

How is he awake before me? He's almost never awake before me?

"Ry?" My voice croaks.

I feel his arm wrap around me again like the other. He snuggles his face into my neck, hiding in my hair.

"Morning baby girl," he tells me into my skin.

"Morning." I yawn unattractively, quickly covering my mouth.

"Happy one week anniversary," he tells me as he moves back, I roll onto my back to look at him.

He's smiling his heart stopping smile. I can't help but smile back.

"One week... wow." I giggle and he chuckles too, rubbing his eyes.

I look him over, counting my blessings that I have him in my life.

He winks at me and moves my hair back from my face, I lean my cheek into his palm.

His eyes... they are so beautiful, there's something to them today?

"I'm sorry I woke you in the night," I tell him with a frown.

I still can't believe how real my dream felt. That ache in my heart felt so real, I can feel it still now as I relive the details of my stupid, self inflicted torture.

"Shh, don't be silly. What did you dream?" He asks. He doesn't usually ask.

It's almost always the same. Lola. Last night was different.

"You... said my name," he frowns in worry and I understand he knows it was different.

How can I explain to him? How can I tell him about my dark, twisted mind? How it pains me, how it tortured me with thoughts of loss and heartache?

"You left," is all I can say.

He frown deeply and sits up, moving between my legs, I help.

He reaches his hands to cup my face on both sides, looking into my eyes, one to the other.

"Never, will I ever, leave you Bella. I can promise that on my life, on anything and everything. I won't ever do that. I couldn't," he tells me so emotionally it makes my heart tighten.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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