Chapter 86

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2 months later
Friday night
As me and Miguel were in Gabriella room just kneeling down in her crib and making her laugh with her toys. Talking funny and making fun expressions from her stuff animals she had. Miguel just stood up and put her toys away... and I was just tucking her from bed already as I was tucking her in while I was just smiling at her and rubbing her hand...
" can you say mama for me?"I said
As Gabriella just kept looking at me...
I just let out a small chuckled...
" okay we could keep practicing on that tomorrow ..." I said just standing next to Miguel as he was ready to turn off the light...
" when do you think she will say her first word?" I asked
" don't you think it's still early for that..?" Miguel said
" well she's barely 8 months and she just learn how to crawl so I say baby steps" I said
" yeah I hope her first word is dada.." he Said as he just looked at me and I was this closed on closing her bedroom door till I heard it.... something very shocking for a mother but happy...
" dada..." Gabriella said...just leaving me and Miguel speechless... mostly me.... she's definitely a daddy's girl...
" DID YOU JUST HEAR THAT!" Miguel said as he walked back in the room and picked her up
" your first word was dada.." he said smiling
" that's my little princess..." he said looking so proud of her...
" she said her first words..." I said having a big smile....
" your not mad?" He asked
" why will I be mad about her saying dada first I don't care at least she learn how to say a word that's the thing I am proud of" I said smiling at her
" aw she's growing so fast..." I said looking at her in a aw expression
She said her first words...
Wow felt like yesterday  I had her laying on my chest feeling her grab my finger for the first time.... wow.... I'm just glad Miguel didn't missed this.... like the way he did with her first crawl, her first laugh and yeah...
A week later
As I was in the kitchen making breakfast for me and Miguel....
I just noticed something in Gabriella mouth.... I mean she been slowly teething already but I wasn't expecting seeing fangs on my daughter mouth....
" MIGUEL!" I shouted angrily
As he came downstairs running in the kitchen..
" what? what's wrong?" He asked
" did you knew are daughter is growing fangs?" I asked
" what do you mean?" He asked as he saw the little fangs she had
" oh you mean that..." he said
" Miguel O'Hara are you telling me are daughter is growing little fangs just like you!?" I said
" could be..." he said
" I need some time to process all this...." I said
" she's really a miniature version of you.." I said
" well at least the could go away just like the claws maybe it happens when she's excited, emotional or angry.." he said
" well that's some good information to know...." I said
" just glad I'm  not breastfeeding anymore" I said
" yeah.." he said slightly chuckling....
" do you care to explain what the hell are you doing up in your office it's a Saturday?" I asked
" I just had some work to finish..." he said
" oh..." I said
" yeah..." he said as just looked at him if I wasn't sure about that......

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