Chapter 60

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After arriving to the hospital they rush me into a room already but I was still not ready to give birth I was barely in 5 centimeters... which meant that I had to wait even more but in more pain with these contractions.. which of course they were very painful each time... Miguel was very helpful... he will help me out of the bed and help me with the small  walks in the halls so the pain wouldn't hurt that much....
after 12 hours later
I just couldn't stand it.... I just felt a big contraction as I just grip onto the sheets as I was taking deep breath as Miguel just helped me as I just gripped onto his arm just leaving it red
" I'm so sorry.." I said in pain
" it's okay mi amor" he said
" just know this will be all over and we get to meet are little princess" he said smiling
" yeah..." I said
" I'm sorry if I seem like a bitch but you did this to me"I said as I looked at him angrily but then groan in pain as I felt a contraction.. I was just breathing heavily as I threw my head...
" how much longer its been like 12 hours already..." I cried out
" why doesn't she want to come out?" I said looking at Miguel
" maybe I think that you've made such a nice home for her over the last nine months that she doesn't want to leave..." he said as he gave me a soft smile.
" oh. Look at you making up crap for me...." I said as I smile at him as he just let out a small chuckled till I just felt a contraction... I just took a deep breath as the doctor just walked in
" 12 hours y/n your a hero..." she said
" doctor how much longer?" I asked
" you made it this far are you ready to become a mother y/n?" She asked
The nervous chuckled I let out and just looked at Miguel smiling as I just nod.....
After being in so much pain she's finally going to be here..... wow...... this is one of the hardest thing ever... I just couldn't stop crying from the pain but luckily Miguel was there to support me...
After pushing for 30 minutes I just gave my last push and flopped onto the bed just letting out sobs.... I just looked up just seeing Miguel smiling as everything was just quiet....
why wasn't she crying...? I was just starting to freak out till I just heard her small cries... I just took a deep breath as I let out a chuckled as Miguel just gave me a kiss in the head
" you did it.." he whispered as I just smile
" I did it.." I said smiling
As the nurses were cleaning her up as they place her down on my chest....
" omg she's so tiny..." I said just having my face full of tears
" aw.. she's so perfect..."I said looking at Miguel as he had tears in his eyes..... the big smile he had as she grabbed his finger......
Later that day
After getting myself clean and the baby we were just in a different room as I was just sat up as I had her around my arm as she was wrap with a blanket..... I just looked at her as I smile I just can't she's so perfect.... as Miguel walked in having some flowers and balloons
" hey how are you feeling?" He asked
" never been better" I said smiling at him as he just place everything on the table as he just walked towards me and gave me a kiss...
" can you believe it we have a little girl.." I said
" I know..." he said having a smile
" she's just so perfect.." he said looking at her
" what name should we give her...." He asked I just looked down at her and smile....
" I was thinking the name Gabriella..."
" Gabriella O'Hara...."
I said as I look at him smiling he just looked at me
" That name is perfect for her..." he said as he just kissed me
" do you want to hold her?" I asked
" yeah" he said as I gently place her in his arm and just scoot over so he could sit down...
I just place my head in Miguel shoulder as I just looked at her seeing how tiny she is in his arms.....
I just see her yawning as she open her eyes.... her big brown eyes
" good morning my little princess..." Miguel said smiling
" she has your eyes" I said
" and she has your beauty" he said as he smiled at me
" I'm so proud of you..." he said
" you did it... you did it..." he said
As I just smiled at him
" I love you so much..." he said
" I love you so much too.." I said as I gave him kiss.......

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