6 . blackout

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i grab my black hoodie before running downstairs.

i slip on my black tasman uggs, grabbing my lanyard on the way out.

i close my front door and head to my car.

as im unlocking the door, i hear another close.

i look towards the direction of the door and notice frank walking towards his car in all black.

he looks up and notices me.

i quickly look back at my car, and open my door, slipping in before we can have any sort of communication.

i glance in my rear view mirror, noticing a blanket in the back seat which will definitely be useful tonight.

i sigh as i pull out, franks car waiting on mine.

i try to connect my phone to bluetooth as i drive.

Tek it by Cafune starts playing. i havent heard this song since late 2022.

i sigh, steering towards starbucks. the christmas drinks came out yesterday and i cannot miss out on my caramel brulee latte.

cant stop thinking of you, i watch, you.

the lyrics hit different when its directed towards someone.

i feel my thoughts cloud up and my body go on autopilot.



frank portillo.

the night we danced, the night he argued with his girlfriend about me. i wonder what she said. i wonder if he defended me even though we barely know anything about each other. i wonder if they're still on a break.

before i know it, im taking my drink from the barrista through the drive through. the cold wind hits my arm.

i give her a small smile and place the drink in one of the cup holders before driving off.

at the stop sign, i glance back to my drink. the smell is enticing.

i walk through the football fields gates, paying for a ticket and an ice cream truck grabs my attention. theres a long line, and i quickly remember its free.

i glance down at my drink.

starbucks is better.

i walk towards the bleachers, my blanket wrapped around me.

i look around before i spot matthew with his girlfriend, the two wrapped around in a blanket. johnathan is next to him.

i walk up the steps and towards them.

"you gotta share that with me." johnathan looks up at me.

"the drink or the blanket?" i ask, smiling.

"uhh, both?? duh??" he smiles back.

i sit beside him and wrap the blanket around us both, thank God its big enough for us both.

we take turns with my drink, each of us taking sips.

as im about to say something, i quickly shut up. i wouldve mentioned how he now owes me, but then i remember how many times i nagged him to buy me starbucks before i had a car and a job, and how many times hes shared a drink or food with me.

i smile at the thought, though. i love my 'older brother.'

we huddle close, trying to keep heat between us both. i can feel my teeth clattering.

"its so cold." i mumble.

"hope it snows." matthew adds.

"honestly though." i giggle.

# SNEAKY LINKOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz