8 . argument

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after an hour spent at target, we finally end up in my driveway 15 minutes later.

he hands me my keys as we go up the steps. "thanks for driving." i mumble.

i glance over at him while i unlock the door, and hes holding all the bags. 3 to be exact.

"and for holding the bags," I giggle, opening the door.

"dont worry about it." he smiled.

i showed him to the kitchen where he placed the bags on top of the island in the middle of the kitchen.

i head over to the living room and he follows behind.

i sit on one side of the couch and he sits on the other side.

"sooo, what now?" i ask.

"no idea." he sighs and leans back on the couch, stretching out his legs.

i look over at the clock and notice its barely 9:40.

i let my gaze sit on the remote as my thoughts wander.

"hey, what if we watched christmas movies?" i look back at him.

"what if we didnt?" he replied in a sassier tone.

i stop my jaw from dropping. "um what?? excuse you."

"i dont get it- i mean i understand if youre in the spirt after thanksgiving but like.." he goes quiet and chooses not to continue his sentence.

"but thanksgiving is literally not important! the whole point is food." i roll my eyes.

"yeah, and quality time.. werent you saying that about christmas?"

he got me there.

"thats.. it's different." i cross my arms and my legs.

"different how?"

"it just is!" i try my best to defend myself.

he starts giggling and i feel myself smile. this guy seriously made my night better. i forget how we ended up here in the first place.

"okay then." he mumbled in between small laughs.

"okay to christmas movies or okay to the fact that thanksgiving does not matter at all." i lean back on the couch.

"okay to the christmas movies." he rolls his eyes with a smile on his face.

i grab the remote and head to netflix, browing through the variety of christmas movies they have.

i hover over each of the titles to get small previews and nothing seems interesting at all.

i can see frank watching the previews with me in the corner of my eye.

"none of these look interesting." i groan.

"what about that one?" he points at the screen as if i know which one hes talking about.

"this one?" i ask.

"no that one."

"this one?"


the cycle repeats until i eventually hand him the control.

he clicks on a movie and it doesn't seem familiar at all.

frank hands me the remote and i place it down on the coffee table.

"im gonna go get the snacks." i quickly walk away and head towards the bags we just brought in.

i grab the candies, chips, and drinks.

just as im about to head back, i head over to the closet and take out two fluffy blankets.

i walk back to the couch and places the snakcs on the coffee table, throwing the blankets on top of him.

i grab the remote and pause the movie, franks gaze immediately meets mine.

"we shoulder order food." i grab my phone.

he nods, and after a few arguments we decide on pizza and wings.

i set my phone down, closing the doordash app before unpausing the movie.

30 minutes in and i can feel how heavy my eyes are. the fact that this is a sad christmas movie too is making me tired.

i glance over at frank, and hes all comfy with the blankets and the pillows on the couch, his eyes focused on the movie.

he looks so comfortable. like he belongs here. with me. i feel so warm inside?

like fluttery. seeing him just immediately makes me smile.

he looks over at me and i quickly look away, clearing my throat. i feel his gaze on me.

"what?" i turn back to look at him.

"nothing." he smiles.

i wonder what time it is.

i check my phone and scroll down, noticing i have multiple missed calls from f/n.

"hold up ima be right back." i mumble, going out the front door.

i press on the call and it starts to call f/n back.

not even a second later she picks up.

"y/n? where the fuck are you dude ive been looking everywhere." she yells at me from the other end.

"im home." i sigh.

"what? why?" she sounds confused.

"i just started to feel sick." i rub the back of my neck.

"y/n.. you shouldve told me, i'll come over right now-" shes cut off and johnathan starts speaking into the mic, "how about you tell us before you leave. i mean you said you were getting hot chocolate and then you suddenly disappear on us? and where the fuck is frank, i checked his location and it says hes with you. it better be a fucking glitch or i swear-"

"you swear what? youre not gonna do shit johnathan because you arent my fucking brother. i mean seriously, so what the fuck if i like frank?? its MY feelings and i know what im getting myself into! and dont even start with the hes your friend bullshit because you know f/n is MY best friend and youre messing around with her."

the other end is quiet and i try to take deep breaths. i hear a creek behind me and quickly turn around and frank is there.

the only thing running through my mind is the fact that he probably heard all of that.

"wha-.. how much did you hear?" i mumble, my lips quivering.

"johnathan messing around with your friend.." he sighs.

i feel my body relax again. "oh."

"is that frank?" johnathan mumbles.

"yeah no shit you stalked his location so you know hes gonna be here." i roll my eyes, wishing i could strangle him through the phone.

"whatever y/n. just dont come crying to me when he breaks your heart because he realizes youre nothing but a lousy fling and his girlfriend is worth much more."

i open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

i turn to frank once again and he doesn't seem to have heard what he said.

"just ruin my night like you always do." i whisper.

"what was that?" johnathan asks before i hear f/n snatching the phone back.

"y/n im soo sorry. i shouldve told you! I.."

"save it." i end the call and my body gives out onto the front porch.

frank sits beside me and wraps the blanket around the both of our shoulders.

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