11 . confrontation

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the next week, i find myself walking with frank towards the office for his early release. im thinking of walking out with him since my cars parked nearby anyways.

we were just at lunch and i had been avoiding f/n and johnathan all together. along with their texts and calls throughout the weekend.

as we reach the intersection where the counselors offices are, johnathan comes out of nowhere and suddenly slams frank against the wall.

"what the fuck did you guys do friday night huh? fuck? i told you to stay the fuck away from y/n-" hes holding frank up against the wall by his shirt.

"dude what the fuck??" frank tries to push johnathan off of him but its no luck.

"johnathan??" i move closer to them both and he death stares me.

hes looking at me as if he wants to kill me.

"shut the fuck up y/n. you know what i said and you dont listen." he looks back at frank.

i try to move johnathan off of him but its no use.

"i was serious when i told you to stay away frank." johnathan raises his fist as if hes about to punch him when f/n pulls him off of frank.

"johnathan stop." she yells, trying to hold him back.

I immediately step in front of frank, covering him. my back is pressed up against his chest and im surprised theres not a crowd surrounding us yet.

"y/n." johnathan lets go of f/ns grip as he inches closer to me.

"whats your deal? you blow off hanging out with us on black out and then youre ignoring me and your best friend for the whole weekend." he furrows his brows.

"whats my deal? i already explained how much of a hypocrite you really are." my voice gets a bit louder.

"so what if me and f/n have been messing around? that give you no right to do the same with frank."

"can you hear yourself? you sound fucking crazy." im in disbelief. theres no way he doesnt understand how wrong that sounds.

"you sound insane." frank mutters under his breath, backing me up.

"shut the fuck up you slut." i feel some of johnthans spit land on my face, he emphasizes the 'slut.'

i look at f/n whos standing behind him and i cant believe she isnt defending me in this situation. i mean are you serious?

she clearly notices because she steps up and looks at me sadly. "y/n im.." she goes quiet because she doesnt know what to say.

"f/n please. tell him hes being too much. tell him hes acting fucking crazy." i plead, and i feel franks hand find mine, our fingers intertwining. he knows im about to cry before i do.

"johnathan.." she looks up at him and he looks down at her.

she looks back at me quickly. "no, y/n. you ignored me over a guy you just a met. you ignored me this whole weekend when we made plans, when im supposedly your best friend." she snaps.

i feel my heart shatter. my eyes watering, my lips quivering.

"youre serious?" i tilt my head soflty.

she nods. "johnathan was the one comforting me because you didnt even try to acknowledge my texts and let me know if our plans were cancelled or not. i waited it out y/n." she shrugs and looks away and i notice her voice cracking a bit.

"well then.." i look away, my voice cracking too. "i dont wanna be best friends." i mumble under my breath before walking off.

i dont turn around. not for anyone.

frank catches up with me and we go into the office.

i choke back my tears, trying to control my breath until we're out of the building.

the second that i step out the school i start to sob. like, really bad.

i cant even walk. my legs are about to give out.

frank immediately hugs me and i sob into his chest. i can feel my tears wetting his shirt. what do i do when i lost my best friend and the guy i looked up to the most?

they cant even see it from my point of view. is it really my loss?

but fuck. johnathan took me under his wing. he took me along to his hang outs and helped me make new friends. he was by my side after multiple talking stages ended.

and f/n, she was always there too. she sat with me during lunch whenever i was alone. she helped me grow from mistakes and become who i am today.

as the thoughts run through my mind, the tears dont stop. the helpless sobbing doesnt stop.

frank begins to walk me towards my car. i cling onto him.

this is so embarrassing. ive never cried in front of anybody. not even f/n. yet here i am, pouring my eyes out to a guy i just warmed up to.

eventually, we both end up in the back seats. he holds me as i cry in his lap, his hand combing through my hair and occasionally massaging my scalp.

"y/n." franks voice is stern and serious. i feel a bit scared.

"yeah?" i manage to choke out.

i sit up slowly, taking deep breaths as i try to calm myself down and stop sobbing.

i look down at his lap where the tears stained.

"oh im sorry." I sniff

he shakes his head. "its okay. but i gotta know now why johnathan is so worked up about our friendship and what that call was about on friday night."

i cant tell him the truth. we just became friends and i cant hit him with an "i like you". i just cant. its wrong and i know it, no matter how bad i wanna tell him now.

"the call on friday night was basically what they just yelled at us for. johnathan was pissed i left him at the game and pissed we were hanging out and he was just so mad. but i dont get why. and f/n was upset i left without saying a word."

he nods slowly.

"and today, i-.. i honestly dont know. i think hes just.. i dont know why hes so overprotective of me. and you. and for some reason he still thinks i like you or something." i shrug.

he takes it all in.

"and hes one of those people who cant look past your reputation with girls. so when you take that and the fact that we're getting closer by the day, it doesnt look pretty to him." i sigh.

"i see that now." he looks frustrated.

i lean back on the seats, hiccuping and still sniffling.

"so what now?" he mumbles.

"i dont know."

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