9 . rain

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we sit in silence as the two of us stare up at the sky. the stars are bright.

i rest my chin on my hand, my hair falling over one of my shoulders.

i can slightly feel franks shoulder touching the top of my head.

"wanna talk about it?" he whispers.

i shake my head. "not really."

"thats okay." he reassures me. his girlfriend is lucky to have him.

its silent for a few more minutes.

"so what are your plans after high school?" i look at him and hes still staring at the sky.

"i mean i wanna go to college. my sister got into yale, and i kindve wanna follow after her."

"so yale?"

"maybe not yale exactly. princeton doesnt sound so bad." he shrugs and looks down at me.

"i never knew you had a sister. you seem like the only child type." i glance down at his lips for a second.

he shakes his head softly, "nope."

"so are you passionate about college?" i ask.

"i mean theres no other choice. id rather go to college then get a job, and itd probably be hard with just a high school degree." hes right about that.

"but i dont really mind going to college. ive already applied to a few but still have yet to hear back from them since i applied over the summer."

"a little late, hm?" i tilt my head.

"kindve. so you have already?" he asks me.

"im still looking into the colleges i wanna go to. i mean i wanted to go to nyu because new york, but honestly i dont think id get in."

"why not?"

"i just.. dont think i have what it takes." i shrug.

"thats stupid. from what ive seen i know you do."

"what have you seen?" i cross my arms to keep heat in.

"i mean.. personality wise i know youve got what it takes. youre sweet and empathetic. i mean you were a little cold at first but you warmed up to me." he compliments.

"yeah maybe personality wise but grade wise.."

"whatre youre grades?"

"straight As and occasional B+s."

"so what are you so worried about?" he rolls his eyes.

"i mean i dont know.." my gaze falls towards the floor of the porch and i begin to outline the lines.

"i just.. i wanna go to college and i know im smart enough to get in anywhere i want, and im flexible enough to make new friends but theres just doubt wandering around my mind." i lean back a bit.

"why would you ever doubt yourself? i mean you get straight As, from what you said.. im sure that means your GPA is high as fuck and thats all colleges really care about."

"i guess youre right. i just dont know why i feel some doubt, or like guilt? i dont know." i sigh.

"its normal to feel that way. but you said it yourself, you could get into any college you want."

i nod slowly.

"what do you wanna be?" i look back up at him.

he sighs deeply. "that.. i really dont know. i mean i know ive had all of highschool to think but im not sure what i wanna spend the rest of my life doing. what about you?" he meets my gaze again.

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