3 . hoco

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i check the time on my phone as johnathan parks in his spot. its around 9:30.

everyone begins to leave the car, matthew helps me step out. he lets go of my hand as we walk towards the entrance of the school.

"i wonder if the theme will be good this year." i mumble.

"oh cmon, it wasnt that bad last year." matthew mumbled back. i felt a bit surprised, not thinking anybody would catch what I said.

we walked in, everybody giving their tickets to my old intro to ap world history teacher. we made small talk, she was still one of my favorite teachers to this day.

she handed me back my ticket, and i made my way to my friends.

they all participated in a conversation as I looked around. the hallways were dark, besides the glow in the dark games and subtle lighting.

i looked around. it really wasnt that bad.

i stepped into the main gym after everybody else and was met with music blasting in my ears, loud enough to the point you had to scream to be heard.

my eyes adjusted to the bright lights, and my gaze fell on the mosh pit which the whole friend group immediately joined.

i spotted a table nearby and walked over, grabbing some glow sticks. leaning over the table, i break some and take the connector things.

suddenly, a blonde girl comes up to me.

"hi, sorry, where can i find those?" she asked me.

"oh," i move away from the table, enough for her to see the cups full of glow sticks.

"oh!" she leans over the table, grabbing a handful of them and a few connectors.

"by the way," she mumbled, her face turning towards mine before she continued, "I just wanted to say you're gorgeous. like, so pretty." she smiled warmly.

"aww, thank youu." i smiled back and observed her outfit. she was wearing a white dress with light blue embroidered flowers. they had golden outlines.

"you could literally steal my boyfriend, im gonna have to hide you." she giggled. i felt a concerning smile creeping onto my face.

"oh?" i dont know what was more sad. the fact that she was aware her boyfriend would leave her for another girl, or the fact that she knew she wasnt his type.

"i mean youre pretty. i doubt he would." i give her a reassuring smile and she just nodded.

"thanks i guess." she sighed. before walking away, she said bye.

i watched her walk towards a familiar figure. messy brown hair, tall..

he turned around. it was frank.

i managed to stop my jaw from dropping, but i couldnt believe it. he looked so.. gosh.

the words the girl had told me before meant nothing to me, but now that i knew she was talking about frank, i thought about it.

he wouldve already asked me out if i really was his type, but maybe he never noticed me like i never noticed him.

i grab the glow sticks and make them into a bracelet. once im done, i walk back towards my group.

matthew is in on a train with everybody else and hes basically leading the whole dance floor.

i laugh and run in front of him, his hands immediately on top of my shoulders as we walk in a line.

"dude we look like npcs." i giggle and matthew laughs with me.

i walk out into the courtyard, the tables being filled with couples or small friend groups. i sigh as i look around, searching for a table.

"y/n, come!" i hear johnathan yell.

i look around puzzled, before i spot him near the longer tables that are kinda hidden.

beside him is frank and across from frank is his girlfriend. theres shock written all over her face. fuck.

i walk over and sit beside her, johnathan in front of me.

"frank, maddy, this is y/n.. my sister." he smirks as he looks at me.

i roll my eyes.

"you never told me you had a sister." frank looked fake offended and him and johnathan laughed together.

"its nice to formally meet you." maddy mumbled, her eyes betraying the fake smile plastered on her face.

"im not actually his sister, though." i say loud enough for everyone to hear.

i notice frank glance over at me. he looks me up and down, and i notice his eyes stopping at my cleavage for a few seconds.

he really is a hoe. but..

hes so hot. fuck.

i clear my throat and his gaze shifts towards my face.

"so anyways, y/n actually wanted to meet-"

"oh did you guys hear about the overdoses?" i nervously interrupt john. this fucking bitch is so dense.

"uh, yeah." maddy nods. girl you dont even go here.

"yeah these freshmen are getting outta hand." johnathan shakes his head.

"oh frank," johnthan rubs his forehead as if hes tryng to remember something.

frank looks at him, and so does maddy.

i look around, bored out of my mind. this is awkward as hell.

"did ryan tell you about those girls." johnathan giggles a bit.

i tilt my head slightly in confusion.

"oh, yeah he did." frank replies.

"man thats crazy."

"what's crazy?" maddy asks, just as confused as i am.

frank and johnathan exchange looks. "theres these two freshmen girls.." johnathan starts giggling.

frank elbows him with a smile. im so lost.

"and they've calmed down now but like dude the first two months these girls followed frank around like crazy. i swear-"

"i mean every turn i took i saw them." frank rubbed his eye, hiding a chuckle.

i smiled a bit, i'd probably do the same.

"i mean it doesnt matter either way since you guys are graduating soon." i mumble.

the two nod and maddy looks at me.

"youre not a senior?" she asks.

"im a junior." i smile at her.

she nods slowly and it seems as if shes even more disappointed. the fuck? does frank like younger girls or whattt..

someone taps me on my back, and i turn to see matthew. "yo, lets all go theyre about to announce king and queen."

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