Chapter 15: Trailers

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Chapter 15- Trailers

"Now, is everybody ready to continue?" The Old Wolf's voice said. Summer sat with the rest of the parents, having a very lively conversation with Kali. Winter was nearby, keeping close watch on Adam, who sat a few rows down from the parents on the far side of the theater. Team JNPR, now complete, sat beside Team RWBY, Pyrrha and Jaune joined at the hands, while Coco and Velvet sat with Sun, Neptune, Oscar and Glynda. Team CRMEN took their seats in the back of the theater, having made their own foray for snacks by sending Mercury and Roman to fetch it all. "Good. Before we start the next film, we will be watching some trailers for upcoming features." The entire audience, minus an obvious few, groaned. "Yes, yes. I feel your pain, but trust me, you don't want to miss out on these."

The theater dimmed as the projector came to life. On the screen came the usual MPA warning, before the trailer started.

"We always thought alien life would come from the stars..." Jaune narrated.

General Ironwood, Nora and Watts ran out onto a balcony, followed by a horde of people, all looking up. Nora pointed and Ironwood looked through a pair of binoculars.

"Alright, starting off strong." Yang commented.

"But it came from deep beneath the Great Ocean."

A fiery rift opened up under water, electric discharge arcing in all directions and bathing all around it in light.

"What the hell is going on?" Ironwood asked, his voice sounding like it was from a radio.

A gigantic monster crashed its way through a city.

"Is that some kind of Grimm?" Ruby asked. The beast had to be even bigger than the Goliaths she saw at Mountain Glen.

"I don't think so." Ozcar said, leaning forward.

"It's nothing I've created at least." Salem thought to herself.

"The first Kaiju made land in Argus..." Another, different monster tore its way through a suspension bridge. "The second attack hit Shion." Yet another Grimm burst through a gigantic wall. "And the third one hit Vacuo. And then we learned, this was not gonna stop. In order to fight monsters, we created monsters of our own."


Jaune walked into a room decked out in full white plate armor that was clearly battle-worn. He and another in similar armor were strapped in at the feet. The room turned out to be a cockpit within a giant humanoid head.

"Another one starring me?" Jaune said.

"I wonder if you and Pyrrha will be romantic interests again." Blake commented.

"Again?" Pyrrha asked.

"Tell you later." Jaune told her.

"The Jaeger Program was born."

The head dropped onto a humanoid body and locked into place.

"Two pilots, our minds, our memories, connected. Man and machine become one."

One of the giant robots was air-lifted out of a hangar. Two more were dropped into the ocean and walked until they were submerged.


"Today, at the edge of our hope..." Ironwood said.

A monster fought one of the robots in the sea. Jaune and Ruby, dressed in matching black plate armor, fought a flying one.

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