Chapter 6: Jurassic Park, Part 6

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Chapter 6: Jurassic Park, Part 6

As the group exited the visitor's center, their new charges in tow, a pair of red, green and yellow SUVs pulled up alongside. They had glass sunroofs, a trio of lights on top, and, most curiously of all, no drivers. The kids were extremely excited, and Ozpin had to try to keep them from being accidentally run over. As soon as they stopped, Yang climbed in one and started looking around.

"Aren't they lovely? Aren't they glorious? These will be your transports for the afternoon." Oz said proudly.

"No drivers?" Whitley asked, somewhat confused.

"No. No drivers. They're electric. They run on this track in the middle of the roadway. Totally non-polluting, top of the line. We spared no expense."

"It's an interactive CD-ROM!" Yang said excitedly as she messed with the touch screen on the dash, "See? You just push the right part of the screen and it talks about whatever you want."

"Yang, darling, you're alright in there," Ozpin said, directing traffic, "Dr. Nikos, come with me. Dr. Arc, come in the second car."

"I'm gonna ride with Dr. Nikos." Nora said, trying to sound casual.

"Yeesh, Pinky," Torchwick said, "Could you be any more obvious?"

"Really? That the best nickname you could come up with?" Nora said, expertly deflecting his comment.

"I'm with her Boss. That one was kinda weak." Neo's sign read.

"Traitor." Torchwick grumbled.

Ozpin had already begun ascending the staircase back into the visitor's center by the time Jaune had started back toward the rear car. He stopped when he noticed Ruby in his way. She looked up at him with recognition and slight admiration.

"I read your book." She said.

"Oh, that's- that's great." He replied stiffly.

"Do you really think dinosaurs turned into birds and that's where they all went?"

"Well, a few species may have evolved along those lines." He grunted as he climbed into the car, Ruby hot on his heels.

"Cuz they sure don't look like birds to me." Ruby said with a chuckle. Jaune looked to Pyrrha for help, but he saw that she was enjoying this, so he got back out of the car, knowing Ruby would follow. "I heard that there was this meteor that hit the Earth someplace down in southern Vale, and made this big crater- "

"Listen..." Jaune interrupted, pausing to try and remember the girl's name.

"Ruby." She finished for him.

"Ruby, which car were you planning on?"

"Whichever one you are." She replied.

"Well, seems you're as persistent as ever, Little Red." Torchwick said.

"She always was, even at that age." Summer said with a smile.

"I get it from my mother." Ruby sassed, causing Summer to ruffle her hair.

Taking this into account, Jaune formulated a plan. He started walking towards the lead car and held the door open for Ruby, acting like a total gentleman, Ruby talking the whole way, "Then I heard about this thing in Omni, about this meteor making all this heat and it made a bunch of diamond dust. And that changed the weather. And they died because of the weather. And then my teacher tells about this other book by a guy named Winchester. And he says- "at the mention of his rival, Cardin Winchester, Jaune closed the door on Ruby and turned back to the other car, only to see Yang standing before him, messing with one of her ponytails and smiling.

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