Chapter 11: Jurassic Park, Part 11

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Chapter 11

The Sun had risen. Jungles birds were heard chirping and singing in the distance. The group of three was still asleep in their tree.

"Cue rude awakening in 3... 2... 1..." Sun said.

But not for long.

Soon, a brachiosaur leaned in its head and began- somehow quietly- to eat a cluster of leaves nearby the trio. Jaune was woken by its breathing as it leaned in. He remained still, with a smile on his face, as he watched the sauropod eat. Soon, Yang was woken by the noise. She did not react as well as Jaune. She began scrambling away from the dinosaur in fright, waking Ruby, whose eyes widened at the sight.

"Go away!" Yang said loudly.

"Called it." Sun said, earning him an elbow to the gut by Neptune.

"It's okay, it's okay." Jaune said, trying to calm her, lest she scare the beast off, "It's a brachiosaur."

"It's a veggie-saurus, Yang! Veggie-saurus!" Ruby chirped.

"Veggie..." Yang said, trying to comprehend the meaning.

"Mmm. C'mon, girl. C'mon." Ruby said, wanting to reach out and touch it.

"Okay." Jaune said as he reached behind him and tore off a branch with a large clump of leaves on it. He held it out to the brachiosaur, hoping she would take the bait. The sauropod eyed the meal curiously, as if trying to sense the ulterior motive.

"Right, cuz that'll make it do what you want." Weiss said with a roll of her eyes.

"Now, sister, your friend might be on to something here." Winter said, watching with interest.

Eventually, it gave up and took the branch in its mouth with a loud, booming cry. It tried to take it from Jaune's hands, but the man kept a firm grip and managed to bring the head closer, allowing the children to pet it. Yang, by this point was finally calming down.

"See?" Winter said to Weiss, who was pinching the bridge of her nose.

"I mean, it works with Zwei. Why not a brachiosaur?" Ruby said.

"But Zwei is a dog! It's supposed to be different!"

"Looks like it has a cold." Ruby observed.

"Yeah, maybe." Jaune agreed. He wasn't sure if an illness in a dinosaur would be capable of spreading to humans, and he didn't particularly feel like finding out.

"Can I touch it?" Yang asked, finally warming up to the creature.

"Sure." Jaune said, "Just think of it as kind-of a big cow." Ruby giggled at the accuracy of the comparison.

"I like cows..." Yang said as the brachiosaur began to lean away from the tree. She reached out to try and pet it, but the brachiosaur was far out of her reach, so she tried to softly coax it back up. Instead, it sneezed, spraying Yang with all manner disgustingness.

Ruby crawled up behind her and yelled out, "Oum bless you!"

"And once again, this me is scarred for life." Yang said.

A few minutes later, the trio was walking through the jungle, resuming their quest to return to the visitor's center with Yang thoroughly grossed out.

"Oh great." Ruby said, jumping at the opportunity to tease her sister, "Now she's never gonna try anything new. She'll just sit in her room and never come out and play on her computer."

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