Chapter 12: Jurassic Park, Part 12

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Chapter 12

Pyrrha and Qrow exited the bunker to the sounds of chirping jungle birds. Qrow held his Harbinger at the ready in sword form with Pyrrha a step behind him. On their way to the maintenance shed, they passed the raptor pen. Qrow looked up and cursed to himself quietly. Pyrrha looked and gasped in horror; a section of the fence had been destroyed. The raptors were out. Qrow noticed a set of prints in the dirt and crouched down to inspect them. They appeared to be raptor tracks and they led into the jungle- in the same direction as their goal.

"Well, shit." Said Sun.

"Death flags are a-flyin'." Said Neptune.

"Oh, Gods." Pyrrha whispered.

"The shut-down must have turned off all the fences." Qrow reasoned, "Damn it, even Mercury knew better than to mess with raptor fences." He looked down, trying to formulate a plan.

There weren't a lot of options. Without those breakers being reset, power would stay off. And even if there was another way, Emerald would be the only one who would know, and she was most likely dead. No, there was only one option left to them: push forward. "Alright, follow me." He said, as he walked into the jungle, staying on the path.

"This cannot end well." Ilia said.

"You think?" Blake said sarcastically.

A few minutes later, Pyrrha could see the entrance to the shed, about a quarter-mile down the road. It was a straight shot through the jungle, with only a few fallen trees blocking the path.

"I can see the shed from here." She told Qrow, who was facing another direction and staring intently into the jungle, "We can make it if we run."

"No, we can't" Qrow said calmly.

"Why not?" Pyrrha asked, worried.

"Because we're being hunted. In the bushes straight ahead."

"Oh, Gods." Worry turned into terror faster than Ruby when cookies were at stake.

"It's alright."

"Like hell it is."

"Run." He told her, "Towards the shed. I've got her." He turned to Pyrrha, who was rooted to the spot, "Go! Now!"

Pyrrha started to turn, but bumped into the fallen tree behind her. Cursing, she clumsily vaulted the log and took off as fast as she could while Qrow stalked into the jungle. Maintaining her speed, she vaulted over one log, before stepping onto another, jumping, and using a branch to swing over a tangle of branches below her. A couple logs and a dirty puddle of what she hoped was water later, she made it to the concrete bunker, swung the door open, and slammed it shut behind her. She stopped herself at the top of a staircase and stared into the black.

"Ms. Sustrai?" she called, hoping the engineer was still down there. When she called again and still received no answer, she got on the walkie talkie and contacted Ozpin. "Oz, I'm in." she said as she brought out and turned on a flashlight, and began to descend the stairs.

"I don't think I like her calling me that." Emerald said.

"It is a little too professional, isn't it?" Mercury agreed.

"That's what Pyrrha's like." Jaune commented "She was always like that, kind, polite... even to her enemies."

"Great. Now, ahead of you is a metal staircase. Go down it." he instructed.

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