Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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RWBY Watches Classic Movies

Chapter 1

Teams RWBY, JNR, Sun, Ilia, and Oscar were walking down the streets of Mistral together, ready for a relaxing night out, with Qrow, Ghira, and Kali following them.

"Remind me again how you two dolts managed to convince me to go with you on this little outing again? We have very important plans to be making." Weiss complained.

"That's exactly why we're doing this." Yang retorted, "Sure, there's a lot of planning to be done before we can set out for Atlas-"

"Ugh, don't remind me." Weiss and Ilia groaned.

"But we can't do any of that with fried brains. We need to take some time to relax, and recharge. Otherwise, we won't be any good when we need to be. Ain't that right, Blakey?"

"I can confirm that she is right this time," Blake said with a small grin.

"Ha! See? Wait a minute, what do you mean 'this time'?"

"Besides," Ruby said, cutting off her sister, "We got free tickets to this theater anyway, might as well use them."

"What movie are we seeing anyway?" Jaune asked.

"I dunno," Ruby replied, looking at the tickets, "It looks to be some sort of film festival, but it doesn't list any of the movies."

"Ah, well, not knowing is half the fun, am I right?" Yang said.

"I believe Ms. Schnee would fight you on that," Oscar said.


A few minutes later, the group of thirteen entered the theater laden with popcorn, drinks, and enough candy to last them till judgment day. Yang and Ren were designated distributors of said candy, because, well because of Ruby and Nora. Ilia made sure to sit next to Blake and Sun, but as far away from Weiss as possible. She still had trouble trusting the former Schnee heiress. The adults sat a few rows back to allow the youngsters a relative bit of privacy. The lights began to dim, and everyone, thinking the film was about to start, quieted down and stared at the screen. However, instead of the film beginning, a shaggy white wolf walked out and sat before them.

"Greetings," he said in a deep, spectral voice, his mouth not even moving, "I am the Old Wolf. You may call me Logan. Welcome to my theater. Tonight, you will be entertained by a series of hand-picked movies of my own choice from a world known as Earth. However, each of these movies will be staring all of you in one capacity or another."

"What?!" everyone said collectively.

"You will all be featured at some point, as well as people you know who are not present. Perhaps even people you'd rather not look upon at all. If it helps, simply think of these as alternate universes.

"And do not worry about how long you will be here. By stepping into this theater, you have entered what is essentially a pocket dimension that is unbound by the laws of reality. You will be returned to your world either when I get bored, or if the ideas cease to come to me."

"And what, exactly, gives you the idea that you have the right to do this to us?" Weiss asked indignantly.

"Stick around, Ms. Schnee, and you just might find out. And yes, I do in fact know all your names and a good deal of your personal histories."

"Now let us begin with a personal favorite of mine."

The theater filled with the sounds of the jungle as the beginning credits began to roll along with the title.

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