Chapter 2: Jurassic Park, Part 2

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Chapter 2- Jurassic Park, Part 2

The scene changed to a person- no one could tell if it was human or Faunus- brushing loose dirt off a dark grey, almost rock-like, bone. More people could be seen brushing off more bones. Another was hand-scooping dirt out of the eye socket of a skull. A top-down view showed at least six people working on a complete skeleton, trying to excavate it. More text appeared, reading "Badlands, near Mountain Glen, Vale".

"They must be bold to be digging near Mountain Glen," Oscar said.

"Or crazy." Said Blake.

A woman with shoulder-length black hair with red tips came up a hill towards the skeleton. "Dr. Arc, Dr. Nikos, we're ready to try again." She said.

"Yang." Ruby said quietly.

"I know sis," she said, pulling her sister into a one-armed hug.

'Summer Rose,' Ozpin thought to himself. One of his greatest regrets, if not THE greatest. She had been a model for aspiring huntresses. An excellent student, a capable leader, a good friend, a better mother. If Ozpin had a choice, she would have been a surefire candidate to be one of the Maidens. If he could fault her for anything, it was how obstinate she could be about things. Then came Mountain Glen. Even then she knew how dangerous the mission was, but she accepted it nonetheless. He knew anyone trying to talk her out would meet with failure, so he hadn't tried to stop her. That was the first mistake. The second was not sending any back-up when he could have. Technically speaking, as a council member, he had the authority to interfere in a huntsman mission in any way he saw fit. Qrow, Tai, Glynda, anyone would have gone to help her, but the call never went out. Because he never got a request from her. And at the end of it all, all that was left of Summer Rose was Ozpin's guilt, a shattered Xiao Long-Rose family, and a simple headstone on a cliff on Patch island.

Jaune stood up, his messy blonde hair mostly hidden under a tan, wide-rimmed fedora. He wore a red flannel shirt rolled up to his elbows, khaki pants and aviator sunglasses.

"I hate computers," he said to himself.

"Good look fearless leader. I'm actually kind of digging the stubble you have going." Nora said, lightening the mood.

"You think?" Jaune asked, rubbing his chin.

A woman with long red hair stood up next to him wearing a blue shirt rolled up to her elbows and tied around her midriff, and blue jeans. She also wore a tan hat and sunglasses, just different styles. She looked at Jaune with a grin and put an orange-red bandana around his neck.

"The feeling's mutual," she said with a chuckle. They put their arms around each other and walked down the hill.

"Well, it looks like this version of me isn't so thick if he's with Pyrrha." Jaune joked.

"You both look older as well. Late-twenties to early-thirties, I'd wager." Ren added

At the bottom of the hill, a pair of young men put a black shotgun shell into the top of a strange looking machine with wheels. They locked it into place and stood on it. One of the men pulled the pin on the shell and the machine shook as it fired the shell into the ground, creating a cloud of dust. While the men ejected the shell and reset the machine, a crowd gathered around a tent where a computer station was set up. Jaune and Pyrrha were at the front, looking at the screen.

"How long does this usually take?" Pyrrha asked the young man operating the computer.

"It should bring an immediate return," the man said as he typed on the keyboard and tuned on the screen, "Shoot the radar into the ground, and the bone bounces the image back." He started talking to himself as he worked. The screen started out blurry, but as the man continued typing, it became clearer, showing a complete skeleton, like what the team on the hill was already digging up. "This new program is incredible. Few more years development and we won't even have to dig anymore."

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