Chapter 11- trouble

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Naruto blinked to life.

He felt like he'd been kicked in the balls and unapologetically knocked out with a frying pan. You can imagine how this pained him.

Naruto groaned as he lifted his head from a soft surface beneath him and looked around wearily. The familiar room was in fact his own. At least, the one he shared with Sasuke back in their very own imprisonment.

He rubbed his eyes to shield himself from the incoming rays of the blinding sun. Soon, he noticed the muttering breaths from someone next to him and looked around.

It wasn't until then that Naruto noticed the heavy weight that clung around his torso and kept him close to the bed. It was Sasuke's arm. Naruto's eyes connected the arm to Sasuke's body. He slowly reached out his hand, welcoming light to spill across it from the shadows of the bed overhang. He gently ruffled through Sasuke's long dark hair that was silky and thick, just as Naruto expected it to be.

Sasuke protruded a deep intent breath like he was relaxing into the touch, not daring to wake up. Naruto smiled fondly.

Naruto often wondered what he was to Sasuke, what they were to each other. As he played with Sasuke's hair, he continued to ponder it. It wasn't ever brought up. It was like an unspoken rule between each other they weren't mention the relationship. They were... maybe boyfriends? Is this something Naruto should bring up. He thought it would be to humiliating.

They slept next to each other, held hands, always stayed close to the other. On occasion, Naruto kissed Sasuke on the cheek who never recoiled and always seemed appreciative. And then there was their time in the box together, and that real kiss they shared in the darkness and horror of the situation.

There were other things to think about...

A reoccurring horrid wonder of how they shall escape this place. And now, the situation that Naruto last remembered, back with Gaara.

Any last ounce of trust Naruto begrudgingly put into the organization was burned to ash when Captain Yagi had mercilessly torched him and Sasuke he did.

Naruto could still remember, though the memory was blurred, Gaara's horror-struck expression he wore when he saw Naruto get shocked twice. The agonizing pain and teared vision made most of the details unreachable for him.

He hoped, prayed to anything that created this torturous life for him, that Gaara was acting. He needed out. He wanted to go home, and not just by himself, but with Sasuke. He wasn't exactly sure what Gaara would do, but he imagined it would go something like-

Gaara goes to leaf village as soon as possible.

Gaara tells Kakashi that he's found his precious ninja, and they are being held captive as weapons.

Word gets out and everyone that knows and loves the two boys are pissed.

They all start to find clues to rescue the boys.

They find the organization and easily infiltrate it, taking them down and getting the boys back home with 0 casualties.

That was the ideal picture for Naruto, he smiled as he ran it through his head as if it were going to play out any second. For some wild reason, he looked to the window expectingly, but his smile slowly evaporated to nothing when he merely saw the curtains being tossed around by the wind wafting in through the sun-lit window.

Sasuke started to stir beneath his now stilled hand. Naruto recoiled it. He watched Sasukes eyes crease and open slowly, staring into his own.

The corners of Sasuke's mouth perked up into a warm smile, and in the drowsiness of his wake, he cupped his hand around Naruto's cheek.

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