Chapter 10- the unexpected perils of a raid

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<as promised, a chapter of 1750 words to make up for last chapter. please vote!>

The day was bleeding slowly away, until half of it had passed and the sun was high and beating down overhead on the adventurers. Naruto was parched. He wanted to rest, it had been a while since he's been on a nonstop journey like the old days when he and Sasuke were Genin.

When they were on the mission before, their group had made tiny stops at the very least.

"Uh, Captain Yagi when's our next break?" Naruto asked worriedly to his captain running in front of him. "When we get there." "Oh, so we'll arrive there soon then?" Naruto asked happily. "No, we have about 4 hours to go." Yagi said.

Naruto internally groaned. "I don't think I'll preform very well with such depleted energy, sir." Naruto reasoned, trying to use his big words to make himself sound as if his words were of significance. He audibly heard Yagi groan.

Captain Yagi jumped ahead swiftly and halted the whole group of ninjas. "Hey!" he yelled. He caught everyone's attention. "Due to unexpected circumstances, we will be taking a short break here. Do not expect this to be a regular occurrence." He said the last part with a menacing glare in Naruto's direction. With that he led the whole group off to the side of the trail where there was an open grass field.

All of the ninja discussed amongst themselves as to why they had to make such an unusual and abrupt stop. Naruto and Sasuke took liberty in enjoying their break under a shady tree.

"Hey, you hungry?" Sasuke asked after a minute of peaceful silence. Naruto smiled and nodded. Sasuke reached into his bag and pulled out two containers of rice and utensils. "Oh, thank you!" Naruto said happily and took it to start eating.

When the boys were done, they cleaned up their waste and relaxed once more. Naruto leaned into Sasuke's side where they sat under the tree.

"Thank god they think we're important enough to give me a break." Naruto said with a laugh. Sasuke smiled. "Yeah... so anyways, how are we going to get out of here?" He asked.

Naruto shifted in his spot and looked at Sasuke with a confused expression. "What do you mean?"

"Well, we obviously can't stay here, loser. We have loyalty to the leaf. I have goals. You have your lifelong dream to become Hokage. We can't abandon that. We are prisoners here and the longer we stay the more they'll hurt us." Sasuke explained. "and... I don't want to see you get hurt, okay?" He added.

Naruto blushed. "I- okay Sasuke. But, with these things-" Naruto itched at his collar- "I don't see how it's possible."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed. "Yeah. Our only hope right now is for a search party to come for us, or for someone of the leaf to recognize us during this raid. Maybe we can get help."

Naruto knew he was right. No matter how powerful they may be, they didn't have many choices in this situation. Besides, they weren't in any immediate danger...

After another 5 minutes, Captain Yagi ordered everyone to continue running. Naruto begrudgingly got up, followed by Sasuke, and they lined up at the front of the mass, right beside Captain Yagi.

They started to travel again, with 4 hours ahead.

3 hours, maybe a little more had passed and Naruto was thinking.

"Hey Captain Yagi." the man groaned. "What is it now Naruto?" "Well, I was just wondering, what exactly is a raid? What will we be doing." Naruto saw Yagi roll his eyes.

"We will be raiding a town, you know, taking things that are essential. Basically, just look for anything valuable or important. If you happen to find a scroll with a green or purple seal, get that. It's our main goal. If anyone, any villager, any ninja gets in your way, kill them." Yagi finished coldly.

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